Hello Friends,

SEO is best concept now grown recently. Many companies are doing seo and earning more revenues and high profit for their small and large business. You all know that SEO creates more traffic to your site and generate more income and more business. SEO has two services. They are On-page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization. This are very important to doing seo for Website.

On-page optimization:

1. Keyword Analysis
2. Competitor Analysis
3. Meta tag Creation
4. Site map Creation
5. RSS Creation
6. Google Analytics Creation
7. Google Webmaster Creations

Off-page Optimization:

1. Link Building
2. Directory Submission
3. Classified Submission
4. Forums Submission
5. Article Submission
6. Press Releases
7. Social Media Submission
8. Blog Posting

this are the service done in SEO when a Websites is created. I hope this information will help you more to get Concepts in SEO.

If you have any doubt please reply us.

Thanks & Regards...

Thank you for posting this clarification.

I am very thankful to this post. You have given nice information about the SEO importance.
SEO is one type of advertising your website. I like this post very much.
This post is very nice and very useful for the people who are seeking their career in

Search engine optimization is the process of improving a website in order to achieve higher search engine placement. Search engine optimization, the use of various techniques to improve a web site's ranking in the search engines and thus attract more visitors.


Really SEO is such as good way to promote online business and getting good lead and visitors

If i ask you about Keyword Analysis, what tool do you use? Have you ever tried semrush? i'd like to know your opinion about it. Thanks


In my own experiences, SEO would be the best channel for promoting e-commerce sites online in the long term. It would not only drive stable traffics to our sites and also help a lot in building online reputation online for our companies.

have a nice day,

Two kinds of optimization followed in SEO. First method is on page and second one off page. Off page refers to web site optimization techniques and implementations that help web page search engine ranking and that are not implemented directly on the page. In on page optimization we make changes with coding part of web page that affects its ranking on SERP. Update contents, Meta tag, title, description, keyword, h1...h6, canonical etc... and internal linking. Good quality content and links are important in SEO...they are complimentary to each other. And also content and links are required for a website to rank well in Google. If you have good content and have done your on page optimization well you can expect to rank well in yahoo and Bing, but Google takes into account backlinks more. So make good inter linking also do forum posting, comment posting and article its very helpful for you.

Search engine optimization is the process of improving a website in order to achieve higher search engine placement. Search engine optimization, the use of various techniques to improve a web site's ranking in the search engines and thus attract more visitors.
You have given nice information about the SEO importance.
SEO is one type of advertising your website. I like this post very much.
This post is very nice and very useful for the people who are seeking their career in

Thank you for the post. It really helps me.

Thanks for sharing

The Keyword Competitiveness should also be rectified previous to you decide the domain. Do not be liable to buy domains that may have a trade mark problem. Use dissimilar descriptive title tags on all of your web pages to illustrate what the page is about. META explanation tag is the very significant tag, search engines take website description through this tag, though search engines don’t give any importance to this tag in their ranking algorithms.

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