The following google analytics daily unique visitor traffic graph is backed up by server traffic data and google webmasters clicks to site data.
Image of Graph:

Most traffic comes from google:
Traffic Sources Chart

Before Oct 1st traffic was rising steadily with no problems.
No changes where made before the peak rise in traffic and during or after the massive drop.

The bumps in traffic happen when I change something e.g
Change paramaters that are ignored on google webmaster
Or redesign some pages on my website.
(But evidently the traffic then subsides)

My site offers original, non-commercial and keyword specific information:
<plugs snipped>

I have just submitted my second reconsideration request to google.
Traffic from Bing, Yahoo, other reffering sites and direct traffic has been rising.
(But since a lot of my traffic came from google anyway im missing out on a lot)
Google Adsense revenue is down a lot and I am hardly breaking even on costs
Submitted this thrread to google webmaster help about why links to my site skyrocketed just before traffic dropped.

Any help?

The links to the graphs are broken.

The problem has been solved.
Sorry about that ;)

No worries. But mind sharing so that you could help other members of the community?

I ment the links to the graphs.
The 'main' problem hasn't been solved.

Hey there,

I'm sorry this happened to you. An explanation for the spike right before the huge dip might be that in October you implemented an SEO technique that Google's algorithm favored. However, Google then manually changed their algorithm in such a way that the technique hurt you instead of helped you.

No changes where made before the peak rise in traffic and during or after the massive drop.

Before the massive drop in october traffic was on a constant rise.

The current domain reached a year old on oct 18th but the actual site has moved domains a few times.
Amongst other forums I have read that certain sites experiance drops after 4, 6 or 12 months, would that account for such a huge drop.

The website (not counting the forums which has a active community) hadn't been updated as often as before starting around November, maybe this would have had a effect and explain the periodic boosts in traffic when changes are made to the site?

Just some thoughts.

It is best to use multiple analytics so that you can compare statistics to ensure that everything is correct.

Never rely on 1 analytic statistics.

It is best to use multiple analytics so that you can compare statistics to ensure that everything is correct.

Never rely on 1 analytic statistics.

Read the first sentence in my post.
Thanks for the input though :)

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