What is Google updated algorithm for SEO? Recent days Search engine doesn't give important to meta tags and back links.Share your idea Plz?

JasonTyler commented: 1 +0

google do not like the link wheel?

No Myseopandit

I am not agree with you that Search engine doesn,t give importance of meta tags and back links, I know that major search engines consider quality backlinks and also meta tags.

commented: 5 +0
commented: Seems like 60 posts of 1-line pith from a sig-link spammer -4

Hi Limohire,

It Happens. For one of my webpage it gives different title.I watch this for long time.Really google has changed its optimization process.

I am totally agree with limohire's reply that meta tag and back link are the most important thing in search engines eye.

Well, Quality backlinks are very important. Quantity is not so important if we have a bunch of low pagerank links. However, if we have many anchor text for quality links, we can boost our website onto the first page of google.

Yes, Google does not gives any importance to metatags(bing and yahoo still consider it though), And quality backlinks are backbone of the SERP

Google latest update is panda update

Google doesn't consider metatags in its algorithms but it still considers dofollow backlinks.

Google consider title tag alone. and also give importance for back links from your theme related sites. its also penalizes paid links and more adsense.

Google always makes a fog about there SERP result! why?

What is Google updated algorithm for SEO? Recent days Search engine doesn't give important to meta tags and back links.Share your idea Plz?

Well Matt Cutts, main engineer at Google Anti-Spam team has explicitly said that htere were about 12-13 algorithm changes after Panda update. Don't try to chase after algorithm updates, try to generate good content and aim for organic links. If your niche is something in which you can't really get natural backlinks, do blog commenting and forum posting but remember to do it right. Don't just spam the internet, try and add more value to the internet.

Apart from the fact that Google don't tell anyone what their algorithm is, they also change it on a frequent basis and so if you did get hold of it then by the time you could understand it they would have changed it.

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