Which technique is better onpage seo or offpage seo

You are asking like water is important or air is important for life.

Certainly both are important to get the success.

Right SEO starts with the onsite optimisation and move to link building and social media.

If you want to make your website Search Engine friendly than you need to implement both factors.

onpage and offpage are two aspects of one system named SEO. they are both very important and work together. you cannot separate them as they are mutually connected

both are important as the food is for life and also water

both are important for the work of seo...these are like two side of one coin...firstly on-page is necessary than off-page is that..

Both are. On-page and off-page SEO are both important to get your site on the top results of search engines. Wouldn't it be great if you have quality content and a well optimized keywords, title, and meta tags to promote?

onpage and offpage are two aspects of one system named SEO. they are both very important and work together. you cannot separate them as they are mutually connected

But I have read somewhere that google considers only onpage seo works?

Hi Hits:

You need to do BOTH.

You first do your on-page SEO, optimizing your site. Don't forget to add the links to your social marketing sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc), blogs, and other links you feel are needed.

Then you need to do your off-page SEO. This consists of one or more of the following:
- Directory Postings
- Social Media postings
- Blog postings
- Forum postings
- Article marketing

This process is NEVER done while your web site it live.


Which technique is better onpage seo or offpage seo

Both are important as much as your traffic is concerned.

Web pages can survive fairly well by themselves without any off-site influence, provided they naturally outclass the linked-up fluff buy offering the search engine something indisputably unique, inherently important, exceptionally crafted with well optimized content. Link building SEO is for SEO weenies'. As a matter of fact, any attempt to artificially influence your off-site ranking factors is grey hat to black hat SEO and are practically all overly copy-catted techniques of little positive value generally and the only skill a person needs to be good at it is the quick abilities to copy/paste. Whooooooa. These guys are good (puking emoticon). Sorry for the rant folks. I feel better now.

Bother are important. We cannot compare them at all. If onpage Content lacks charm it will affect the reputation and offpage optimization would not be that much useful as it should have been...

On Page SEO is simply refers to the text and content on your web site pages. Basically editing your page and content. Meta Tag, Meta Title, Meta Description, Quality Content, Internal Links are few example of On Page SEO.
Off Page SEO can do off site to incraese your rankings is build up more links. More links will generally lead to better Google PageRank and better search engine ranking. SMO, Article Submission, Social Bookmarking, Forums, Article Submission, Blog Commenting are example for Off Page SEO.

so both are important for the work of seo

Hi Hits:

You need to do BOTH.

You first do your on-page SEO, optimizing your site. Don't forget to add the links to your social marketing sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc), blogs, and other links you feel are needed.

Then you need to do your off-page SEO. This consists of one or more of the following:
- Directory Postings
- Social Media postings
- Blog postings
- Forum postings
- Article marketing

This process is NEVER done while your web site it live.


The on-page is very important in my point of view. The page ranking for your site actually depend on On-page.

Which technique is better onpage seo or offpage seo

On page and Off page both are important for the SEO. In on page we do a keyword research, create a Meta tag and description for each page.

Google considers both On page and off page. Off page is an ongoing process.

... More links will generally lead to better Google PageRank and better search engine ranking ...

Higher PageRank (Google PR) doesn't mean squat in the results pages. A well-optimized PR0 (0 PageRank) web page with absolutely no incoming links can easily beat the fluffed-up mediocrities (PR 5-6) competing for the same keyphrase. I see this all the time and so can you if you look.

Google do consider on-Site SEO a lot but it doesn't means that off-site useless instead there are few things that we should keep doing like guest posting.

both are important for getting good pr....

You are asking like water is important or air is important for life.

Couldn't say this better. Both are extremely important for good rankings. But in order to take the best benefit from off-page SEO, try doing the on-page work first. This is a general rule and you should always work on your on-page SEO first.

Both On-Page & off-page SEO are important and both carries the same weight-age..

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