Hello friends
Please give me the answer.

Erm, despite the complete lack of information I shall try.

Simplest answer would be make it yourself, you would be able to customise it and make it perfect for your needs.
Otherwise, you should be able to find a variety by doing a quick Google (other search engines are available) search.

Put NEW and updated data on the site, Not from google. Use metatag and target your visitors. Good Luck..!!

Why don't you try in the Google Searches, you will find plenty

You should try these technique on google .There are bulk of guest post sites.

Why don't you create yourself new blog???

Hi..The concept of guest blogging is to write a quality article for blog owners in return for them to post your article with url’s linking back to your site. It’s a great way to increase your own site’s exposure and traffic in addition to gaining a sought after high PR backlink. By writing articles for authority blogs that are relevant to your own site, Google should take notice of the relevance and give you a boost in the SERPs. Please search in Google or Bing surly you will get top list of guest blogging sites. There is so many results for list of blog sites. Any query pls ask.Thank you.

I am also looking for the site how are doing guest posting and accepting for the landscaping sites but I am still in wounder, how to search these sites.

You need to make search on google with your niche as the best blogging site is the one which have same niche like you have there you have less time to get organic traffic and visitors.

are the best blogging sites.It helps you alot.

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