
I am Prashant Rai, I am fresher in SEO, so friends please hepl me what is seo, how to start seo in new website ?`

<M/> commented: Google it... -2

Did you just tried to hide a link to your website and failed ?

commented: I'm cracking up here. +6

It is the technical way to create the back links and online reputaion. If you are new to this, do not try by self because the quality of each link created is very important.

I am sorry, but I don't mean to come out mean but... why didn't you just Google this question? Some questions make sense if they are a bit challenging, but this is just a little ridiculous.

SEO is a good technique through you will improve the website ranking and traffic of your site. SEO is of two types Onpage seo and offpage seo.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization
It is a process for getting free traffic from relevant user.
It provides brand name to our website.
It helps us to increase visiblity and target.

SEO stand for serach engine optimization. It is the process of getting the free tarffic on your website.
SEO divides in 2 parts on page seo and off page seo.

Search engine optimization is a way to tell the search engines about your website. Two different ways of optimizing are involved. Offpage and onpage optimizations. Offapge would involve things like article writing, bloggin, social sharing, link building, so on and so forth. Onpage optimiation involves optimization of the keywords in relation to your website, setting up keyword build pages etc. Hope that helps

SEO is divided into two parts On Page Seo and Off page seo. On page seo include writing meta tags, content, internal links and images. Off page includes blog commenting, forum posting, article submission etc.

SEO is the method which can be used for making the site known Globally.
SEO are of two types such as on-page and off-page
On-page is being done inside the page

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is a process of getting traffic from the relevant users.
Their are two types of SEO, 1st is on page seo and 2nd is off page seo.
On page seo contains website optimization, content optimization, image optimization, html code optimizatio etc
Off page seo contains Directory Submission, Blog Comments, Forum Submission, Social Bookmarking etc.

SEO is a process to get free traffic from relevant users with the help of search engine. SEO optimize website and start ranking in various search engine such as google, bing, yahoo.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to your website by obtaining a high-ranking position on a search engine.

Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine(SERP)

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is of two types. Onpage and offpage.
Onpage SEO:
Meta tags
Alt tags
Check the keyword density

Off page seo:
Search engine submission
Forum posting
Ping submission
Rss submission
Blog commenting and posting

This is the basic thing of should, who feels am SEO person and everyone knew about this.and atleast you have to know before entering into this SEO category....

Hi Prashant welcome on the dani web Forum. SEO is stands for Search engine optimizations. it means we are optimizing our website on the internet in such a manner so that it will appear on the top of Search engine for a particular term.

SEO is process for getting free traffic from relevant users,it provide brand name to our website. It also increase visiblity and target to our website.It is slow process but the result we get from this process is permenant.

SEO stands for Search engine optimization. It is a process to improve the visibility of website in SERP (search engine result page) or increase the traffic

Hello Dude,

Seo Is all about Promotion. First yu need to do is Optimize your Website with Title, keywords, descripition and unique content. After doing this let it be crawled by google search engine. Then start off page work like Search engine submission,Bookmarking,Classified,Directory,Forum posting,Ping submission,Rss submission,Blog commenting and posting.

Best off luck 

SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization". It is the process of getting traffic to websites. Main search engines such as google, yahoo and bing. SEO is mainly two types onpage SEO and offpage SEO. There are many ways in SEO to getting Traffic on website like social bookmarking, directory submission, blog commenting, RSS feeds, article submission, blogs submission and many more tricks used in SEO.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and it is technique for getting free traffic and it provides brand name to your website and it help you to increase your business.

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