hi for my website i have 210 backlinks and my traffic also geeting increases but my keywords are not appear in SERP pages i dont know how to push my keywords in SERP pages give some solutions

Well try to get as many as quality link backs, they should be do-follow. Try to publish articles and press releases.

Do sharing as much as you can and then see the results.

Sometimes if your keywords have high competition then you need some time to get them ranked.

submit unique and quality content on high authority sites. and do forum and blog commenting..

yep, just get real backlinks from trusted sites. try to get as many likes, G+, followers, subcribers,tweets, etc as you can. I wonder why your traffic do increase while your keywords are not in SERF. where do they come from?

To rank in SERP page you have to work to get quality backlinks to your site. when you get many backlink your site will rank on SERP page. You can add fresh and unique content on you r site.

If you want to rank your keywords on SERPthen you must have the do follow links for your website. try to sybmit more directories, articles as well as press release submissions. you can alos do blog comments by taking certain keywords which you want to optimize.

ya sure i submitted in page rank site all are dofollow site only the backlinks and traffic also increasing i think i am using repeated keywords in my onpage

OMG. The OP complains that he has backlinks but no rankings. To suggest that he pursue even more linking is prosposterous. CONTENT! Create well optimized web pages in an evolving web site with exceptional and unique content and ... backlinks or not ... rankings will come.

commented: Content is KING +13

You have good number of back links for site but in that check your site is getting how many bad link/nofollow links.

Get more quality backlinks for visit SERP. never do submissions in spammy website.

use more off page seo techniques like forum posting, directory submissions, article submission ....

commented: wrong -3

please writes content once again and get result instatly.

commented: wrong -3

Backlinks doest matter in SERP, you must improve your website content quality and write some positive reviews about your site. it will definitly get in to SERP.

now google gives importance to only natural backlinks given in relevant pages with good PR, and keyword links given in related content created for the site

Provide a quality content for your promotions and post your link in high page rank site

commented: the thread was a year DEAD when you posted to it +0
commented: thought you didn't know jack about this stuff, given your 'questions' elsewhere -3

Well, look things doesn't moves this much fast, you are having backlinks and you are also getting traffic means things are going good ! So, keep working the good way i.e plan out your approach and start getting regular over it and also don't rush on things as rushing over things will make your situtation worst !

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