I just finished new website, did the pay per click thing for one day, it sucked $100 before I knew what hit me.
I need to know where to begin to submit to the various search engines.
Does that cost too? (Now that I'm $100 poorer!)
I've tried doing it myself and was please with my website, but I can't afford the PPC thing. Hate to think all my work was for zip!
Please help!?!?!?

I just finished new website, did the pay per click thing for one day, it sucked $100 before I knew what hit me.
I need to know where to begin to submit to the various search engines.
Does that cost too? (Now that I'm $100 poorer!)
I've tried doing it myself and was please with my website, but I can't afford the PPC thing. Hate to think all my work was for zip!
Please help!?!?!?

You don't need to bother submitting to search engines, it's a waste of time. Spend some time and browse the SEO related threads in this forum, that will get you going in the right direction.

The most important aspect of SEO in the present SE climate is linking. You need links, preferably anchortext links with your keywords, pointing to your site.

It will take some time to see results if your keywords/phrases are competitive. Don't expect over night results like you get with Adwords.

You don't need to bother submitting to search engines, it's a waste of time. Spend some time and browse the SEO related threads in this forum, that will get you going in the right direction.

The most important aspect of SEO in the present SE climate is linking. You need links, preferably anchortext links with your keywords, pointing to your site.

It will take some time to see results if your keywords/phrases are competitive. Don't expect over night results like you get with Adwords.

Thanks for replying...

Ok, by linking, you mean with other sites? I don't mean to sound stupid (brain dead is more like it) but I have to admit, I don't even know how to link with other sites. I'm not understanding what you wrote about the anchor text links with my keywords pointing to my site. Also, how do I find out if my keywords/phrases are competitive like you suggest.

I've already spent about 3 months getting my site put together thru the homestead program, and I got alot of hits with the PPC method, but I just can't afford to continue that route. I don't mind spending more time doing what it takes, but at this point I'm lost. And they just don't give alot of information how to do things.

I believe when you wrote SEO you meant Search Engine Optimization?

I really appreciate your taking the time to write, but could you explain a little more. I'm willing to do the research and work to make it happen, but I need a little push in the right direction.

Thanks for replying...

Ok, by linking, you mean with other sites? I don't mean to sound stupid (brain dead is more like it) but I have to admit, I don't even know how to link with other sites.

Getting links from other sites is a lot of time and work. Start with submitting your site to directories like dmoz.org. There are 1000's of directories - do a Google search and you'll have plenty to choose from. Some make you pay to list, some are free, and some may require a recip (you link back to them) link.

You can also e-mail webmasters of sites directly, but that's time consuming and if you have new site you probably won't get a bunch of takers. Try a site like www.ipagerank.com.

Also, make sure to use link to your site in your signature in forums like this one. See my signature for an example.

I'm not understanding what you wrote about the anchor text links with my keywords pointing to my site. Also, how do I find out if my keywords/phrases are competitive like you suggest.

The links in my signature are an example of anchortext.

There are dozens of ways to judge the competitiveness of a keyword or phrase, but one of the quickest indicators is how many pages have that phrase/word total. Do a quick Google search of the phrase you're after and see how many pages come back. 10's of millions and you know there's some competition. Couple hundred or thousand come back and you'll have an easier time.

There are dozens of other free tools and programs available to help judge the competition too. I'm sure some other members here will post their favorites.

I've already spent about 3 months getting my site put together thru the homestead program, and I got alot of hits with the PPC method, but I just can't afford to continue that route. I don't mind spending more time doing what it takes, but at this point I'm lost. And they just don't give alot of information how to do things.

PPC is effective, but expensive. SEO is effective, and can be for the most part free. It does take time though, and can be frustrating. If you really to want to use SEO to get traffic you'll have to be willing to really work at it and spend A LOT of time reading forums and researching. I believe forums are the best resource available to anyone involved or considering SEO.

I believe when you wrote SEO you meant Search Engine Optimization?


I really appreciate your taking the time to write, but could you explain a little more. I'm willing to do the research and work to make it happen, but I need a little push in the right direction.

Start with research, the forums will be your best source of info. While you're doing research, start your link building campaign. Your signature in this forum would be a great place to start :)

Ok, thanks again.
One last question,
the signature... is that "The Forum Zone" and JJS Computing with "computer help" being the link? I would add one, but I don't know how...
I really appreciate your time and effort.
I've put my heart and soul into this, and just really want to do all I can to be successful.
You been a great help and given me several ways to begin. Thanks


You can try EMarketing Helper, it's free .
Download it from free.emarketinghelper.com

It has a website submitter that submits your site to 60 SearchEngines/Directories. I know it's not much , but it submits it 100% to all websites in the list.

The tool has a lot of other features like : Sales letter creator, article creator, keyword suggestions, affiliate finder, email sender ...

Hope you enjoy it :)
Thank you

PPC is an effective method to market your site, and it's all about research and choosing the right keywords. The results are immediate. You can only be successful in this kind of campaign if you analyze your competition and select your kws carefully. :)

I would like to advice you one thing ..

If you are new to seo as i thought from your previous post then i would like to recommend you some thing:

First try to gain some knowledge about the SEO.
and then started the proper.you can find out various article about the seo guidelines. But seois not just following seo guidelines. seo guidelines just make your site seo friendly.

i am sending you some nice article which can help you..


and if possible post your URL so that we can help you in a better manner

You can listen to what has been written about getting incoming links (and then the different insights into finding short-cuts in a link popularity game using trendy link building schemes) and it may eventually assist some mediocre to poorly crafted content in gaining the attention and the trust of the search engine or you can simply stay focused on delivering high quality, unique, optimized content (that is well linked internally). This SEO approach will indeed generate links too but they are naturally generated incoming links (the best types of incoming links) from webmasters who have visited the webpages and deem it worthy of additional visits.

it is useful to make some paid ads
but you should build many backlinks to your website
that is your first thing that you should do

Study about webmaster tools, SEO and backlinks. These big trio will definitely boost up the chances of your site's search result to a higher level.

I've already spent about 3 months getting my site put together thru the homestead program, and I got alot of hits with the PPC method, but I just can't afford to continue that route. I don't mind spending more time doing what it takes, but at this point I'm lost. And they just don't give alot of information how to do things

Make maximum number of quality back links with anchor text .
The back links should be from websites with good page rank.If you dont know what is page rank and what is back link,a very useful online tool is there at http://www.seotoolskit.info

I would suggest to hire a seo firm...

there are many ways to get your desired traffic; the first is to read through this forum and do what your doing, asking questions. You will find a lot of great info and all experts that I've read recommend forums like these. Also, start link building using the different methods given on this forum.

If someone investing money for their promotion of website i preferred Google Adword.. Yes it is paid but you can get lots of traffic from that ... & do some SEO , Joining SEO forum to learn about SEO factors

Well, submitting to search engines can't be said as a waste of time as search engines are the only systems that provides you benefit for long term. Saying about backlinks, you should really take this seriously. Building backlinks would be very beneficial for your site in terms of traffic and SE ranking.

I just finished new website, did the pay per click thing for one day, it sucked $100 before I knew what hit me.
I need to know where to begin to submit to the various search engines.
Does that cost too? (Now that I'm $100 poorer!)
I've tried doing it myself and was please with my website, but I can't afford the PPC thing. Hate to think all my work was for zip!
Please help!?!?!?

Just submit only to 3 major SE's, the Google, Yahoo and MSN. The rest is focus on submitting your site to directories and also on getting backlinks by doing other tachniques like forum posting, article submission, social bookmarking, blog comment and others...

Yes I agree with you dailyearner, but if you have some money to spend with it just to increase your backlinks of your website. But you can learn some basic SEO like what I am doing right now. I am just a noob blogger and SEO. It needs some time and patience when you start your SEO career.

There are many ways to help your site get traffic for free. One of the SEO technique is PPC, but we actually don't need to spend money for that. Nevertheless, we need time. Submitting your site to search engines somehow is useful, however you can go to Google to search for free search engines. There are plenty of sites out there. Besides, search for social network sites, blogs, forums, kiwi to submit and write about your site. These ways can help all. Yes, if you don't have enough time and patience, ask for SEOs to do that. At least, you don't spend much money as you had to. Good luck!

First of all you need to do on-site optimization like set up title tags, meta tags, alt tags according to the pages by the placement of your targeted keywords. Page content also optimize properly with inter linking with other pages.

I'm really curious about this talk of msn loopholes. I wish to know what the loopholes are without paying 67$. COFF8539 md

I really think that PPC is still the best. You should try and learn how to do SEO one bit at a time, that way you won't get hoodwinked by unscrupulous forum posters and blog commenters. Also try to find out if they use any type of software or they do things manually. If they use automated submissions, beware!!! YOu'd only get your site banned.

And, oh, DO SUBMIT your site. It always helps!

If you want to do this task, I suggest you to use IBP. You can search in Google and download it. It helps you submit your site to SEs and find directory list base on the keyword you types. Good luck!

I am also am having poor results in people finding my website in Google or Yahoo search engines
my website = http://georgegovella.gandi-site.net/

The Title is = Northwest Ford Pony Car"

Why are we having trouble? Could there be a disconnect between the website name and the "Title" to the Site?
Thanks in advance for any help you can afford me?

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