Hi there

I have noted that my websites are very well ranked in yahoo and google, the daily visit are quite good (best in years) but my rank in alexa is very very low and going down.... how this is possible?

How to have a good rank in alexa?

alexa is like google rank. you muss get backlinks

That's incorrect. Alexa determines its rank by using the data returned by its spyware. To improve your alexa ranking simply install their toolbar and visit your site everyday. Want it to go higher? Get your friends to do it, too.

Hi there thanks for the answer, I have the toolbar installed and I bet that will be better now.

Do not bother about alexa rank, it only counts from pc's which have alexa toolbar installed.
So if you install alexa tool bar, ask your friends to install it and visit your website once everyday, your alexa rank will jump up.

I have a questions - Is there any use of alexa rank ?? Or will it be helpful in anyways in rankings ??

I don't think so ...

It doesn't affect your rankings at all. The only time anyone uses Alexa is some advertising companies look at Alexa rank when deciding whether to accept an account or not.

That's incorrect. Alexa determines its rank by using the data returned by its spyware. To improve your alexa ranking simply install their toolbar and visit your site everyday. Want it to go higher? Get your friends to do it, too.

Lol, right, that could be one of the way to influence alexa ranking.

Lol, right, that could be one of the way to influence alexa ranking.

Actually, that's the only way.

Alexa can be faked very easily. There are many ways to check a website traffic but alexa can be used just to have some idea about traffic, because you can fake it to a certain level after that its almost real. The more you get hits from different unique ips, the higher the alexa goes. But overall i use it to just have an idea of a site at a first glance, after that have to check many other things like its backlinks, serps and site content and how they manage their site.

If you look at amazon.com, they keep on sending you promotional emails about the stuff that intersts you so would certainly check their site, plus they have very high ranking on thousands of keywords so obviously they are supposed to get very high alexa which can not be easily faked. But others may have different ideas about this. :)

Alexa is a search engine just like Google and Yahoo. The ranking calculated in Alexa is called Traffic ranking. Alexa is a search engine that ranks Web sites according to site traffic it collects through the Alexa toolbar. Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa. The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time. Reach is expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a given site. Page views measure the number of pages viewed by Alexa. Multiple page views of the same page made by the same user on the same day are counted only once. Alexa traffic rank shows if a site is a winner or not, if a site is worth looking or not, if a site is worth partnering with or not.

Fortune Hotels are showing top ranking in Google, Yahoo and MSN search engines. It is featuring on the first page when we search with specified key words: business hotels Gurgaon, Jammu hotels accommodation, http://www.fortunehotels.in/hotel_jaipur.aspx holiday hotels Jaipur, budget hotels Chennai & more. Now we desire to get top ranking in Alexa also. So we want to know the procedure, which must be followed for coming on the top in Alexa. Multiple page views of the same page made by the same user on the same day are counted only once.
Visit http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main?url=www.fortunehotels.in to see alexa traffic details of fortunehotels.in

My website isn't having good position in Alexa. I have downloaded alexa toolbar & placed alexa widgets on the website but no improvement there. Even I read on many websites that alexa widget, redirections are myth. Is that true? I am confused at all.

Just install the toolbar and visit your site every day. It takes weeks to see a difference and months to see how high you really can go.

I think there's absolutely no point to Alexa.

There really isn't. Although some ad agencies think the information is useful. Hopefully that will change and then everybody can stop caring about it.

Alexa is not accurate. It is only an estimated traffic.

I dons't think Alexa rank very important.

Alexa's rankings are determined by the people using the Alexa toolbar.. So only those people can contribute to the ranking of any one site.. If you have a site that does not attract the type of people that would install the Alexa toolbar, then you will never have a good Alexa rank..

Or, you could install the Alexa toolbar on a dozen computers, or more, and

i think alexa depends on your traffic, correct, but also on the amount of good links you get!


The Alexa Rank is a ranking system which bases its ranking schema on the level of traffic each website receives from the number of people who visit a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.

To increase your Alexa rank in the long run, I would highly recommended that one focus on developing quality content which attracts and maintains a large audience instead of purely focusing on artificially increasing your Alexa Rank.

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By having links with high PR sites, and driving more traffic will help you to get rank improvement in Alexa.

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