I recommend social bookmarking in terms of promoting your sites. This is free, easy and effective like I did on Michael Cheney's site which is called Delta Squadron.

Now Delta Squadron has so many back links now. :-)

Yep social bookmarking is a great and free promotion technique, there are others too, such as; article marketing, video marketing, web 2.0 marketing and forum marketing.

Some have proved more succesful than others for me depending on the site and the niche you are promoting

I recommend social bookmarking in terms of promoting your sites. This is free, easy and effective like I did on Michael Cheney's site which is called Delta Squadron.

Now Delta Squadron has so many back links now. :-)


it's good and effective task for getting higher traffic to your website, and getting backlinks


We can use social media promotion in this .We can syndicate social media updates to twitter,digg,stumbleupon,Delicious it can drive more traffic.

Always remember that which ever link you are submitting has to entice the visitor to spend more time on the website and to provide value to the visitor.

Stumble is more effective for drive triffic

Stumble is really good but if your site caters to a niche market, then I strongly recommend linking to niche communities. Do your homework first by using Quantcast or Compete and look at those communities' analytics and determine whether this is a community you want to link with.

Yep social bookmarking is a great and free promotion technique, there are others too, such as; article marketing, video marketing, web 2.0 marketing and forum marketing.

Some have proved more succesful than others for me depending on the site and the niche you are promoting

Which sites have you found to be the most successful for you?

thanks, is true :)

thanks, is true :)

What is 2.0 marketing and which of all the ways to market, which two do you find to be the most successful

However, this traffic is not targeted. They come fast and gone. Unless you really active in SB to maintain your traffic level. In term of qualify backlinks, yes, some of them are Do Follow sites and you can share some PR juice from them.

Social bookmarking is one of the strategies that generates inbound links.. It provides more inbound links compared to other strategies..

If your site is good and has something unique, your backlinks could increase exponentially. But, it's not always easy to know what pages to bookmark and there's a knack to getting people to bookmark your content. It can be spammy and can look like an unattractive marketing ploy if you're not careful.

IMO--It's not guaranteed to work but some swear by it. If you're site's about paint drying it may not work for you. It can't hurt to try

Hi friends, all of you share nice information thanks

This is free, easy and effective like I did on Michael Cheney's site which is called Delta Squadron.

it is a talent if u call book marking free, easy
i know it could bring me a lots of traffic but it is really hard to get people just bookmark u !!

Yea correct social bookmarking is one of the effective ways of promoting. This is the most important step in SEO

I agree... social bookmarking helps to discover what is important before any bot can spider the site and rank it among the thousands of sites available.

How we can use social bookmarking sites.????????

I agree. Social bookmarking provides huge amount of back links and it only requires link informations.

social bookmarking can also help new sites to get index by SE's... it is also a very nice way for getting targeted traffic and back links too..

I recommend social bookmarking in terms of promoting your sites. This is free, easy and effective like I did on Michael Cheney's site which is called Delta Squadron.

Now Delta Squadron has so many back links now. :-)


This can help u do more better in the social bookmarking!:)

Social bookmarking provides huge amount of back links and it only requires link informations.

One tip here for the social bookmarking is Creating an account using the same nickname at numerous social bookmarking websites, which you have found to be interesting. But make sure that you would be giving priority to the ones that have high traffic, as well as enrolled membership.

Social bookmarking is riding a high tide now. It is really efective to promote any type of websites, blogs, products or services. Social Bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon are the leaders. Social sites like Twitter and MySpace also helps a lot.

Get familiar with the bookmarking site. Make sure there are other users who will be interested in your website. All social bookmarking sites have different types of users. Be sure to find a site that works with your niche.

It will help u with the social bookmarking as a method to promote your site!

Social bookmarking is a good way of advertising the site....but many of them don't work anymore.

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