Social Cord has devised a way to charge your followers to access premium content. As Twitter is all about lightening fast communications would you or your company start charging your followers to view premium content? Unless there is something really compelling or valuable about your content, this seems to me like a suicidal move for businesses. What do you think?

Unless it is access for proprietary date, paying for tweets may not be popular. I can see Forrester, Jupiter Research, or Nielsen charging for special type of tweets (especially those with metrics). Other than these type of companies, I dont see the value. Do you?

Unless it is access for proprietary date, paying for tweets may not be popular. I can see Forrester, Jupiter Research, or Nielsen charging for special type of tweets (especially those with metrics). Other than these type of companies, I dont see the value. Do you?

As you mention, I could see market research firms and possibly investment advisors using Pay Per Tweet (PPT). Also online gambling services for betting on sports. Beyond that, I am hard pressed to find other industries that could make a go of it.

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