How To get Back my Rankings??

Hi All,
I have been Working with a "US" Site For the past 3months.
I had Ranked all the Keywords in SERP.
But last week i found a sudden Drop in all my keywords.
i Checked my Back links and other stuffs everything was so clear...
i'm getting mobile version results in google serp" how do i solve it?
can any one suggest me any solution, To get back my Rankings in SERP????

This happen due to google penguin update. it take time to recover this.Do work on site continiousely

Do work but quaility and content base. no use low quality links.

To get back rankings you need to do natural and quality link building. Your website must have unique content, you should try to do guest blogging, blog commenting and local listing etc this are the natural and white hat techniques that can be helpful in getting back the rankings. Do all the SEO activities by keeing the google webmaster guidelines in mind.

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