I"m trying to find if there are automated solution for my website:Order food online - whenever an order comes through, it shall pop in our systems/pc, saving orders INFO, delivery addresses, payment details, process orders in real-time to send & receive order to customers & vendors, to monitor, etc.....

This off topic however are many many many solutions out there, most of which you can find through a quick google search.

However depending on the age of your business, your business goals, etc. you may want to consider a custom solution that can provide something tailor fitted to your operation and which can provide all levels of people working at your company with the information that they need (ie. quick data visualization for the owner, order details for the person cooking the food, etc.).

This if Off topic?...I'm new to this forum please tell me which category fits to my topic so I will ask over there?..

"many many many solutions" - Just tell me few best if you know?

fyi - we are just team of 4ppl & this is entirely a new site but we've 40+ restuarants data & I'm trying to implement an automated solution to our Online ordering communication, implementing real-time solutions & so looking for automated solution

Did you find the cart that works for you OP? I think your real need is the real time solution if you are dealing with food delivery. Investigate what other like minded sites are using and take a note from what you and don't like about the system they are using. It is also helpful to speak with the customer service department of the cart you choose to see if it fits the needs you have.

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