Hi there everyone.

I decided to set up a PC support site in May PC Help Forum and it has gone fairly well since with a decent amount of activity on the site. I guess I would average 20-30 unique hits per day but I would like to raise that considerably!

I have a great placing on Yahoo.com - - - (I also own currently un-used Domains) but I am just not happy with the amount of hits the site is receiving.

Please could some kind person/people give me some clear guidance as to how to get my site properly out into the public domain...I want to see my site full to bursting with new visitors ! ;)

Get your site listed in as many relevant directories as you can. Do a search such as yourkeyword + "add url" to find directories related to your keyword. This may or may not bring direct traffic from the directories, but it will help you get better ranking in Google - which is where the real traffic comes from.

Get your site listed in as many relevant directories as you can. Do a search such as yourkeyword + "add url" to find directories related to your keyword. This may or may not bring direct traffic from the directories, but it will help you get better ranking in Google - which is where the real traffic comes from.

Oh yes the Google "holy grail" - I do actually get quite a few visitors from keyword searches on Google but with such a wide ranging topic (PC support) it is difficult to decide what keyworkds to promote,...

Thanks for the quick response btw :)

Try to get yourself listed in the open directory project http://www.dmoz.org ;)

Will do - thanks

EDIT: Done :)

Sorta offtopic, but is 20-30 unqiue hits a day good for a new forum? Cause I've recived over 15,000 unique hits in the 2 months my graphics forums have been up.

Sorta offtopic, but is 20-30 unqiue hits a day good for a new forum? Cause I've recived over 15,000 unique hits in the 2 months my graphics forums have been up.

Either you are very lucky, you have done an amazing amount of promotion or you need to check your figures (in terms of "unique" visitors) - I have had 1648 "unique" visitors but over a million "hits" and 116000 page views...

Well done to you if your figures are in the 15000's - tell me your secret !! :D

Good-Tutorials.com brings in a lot of traffic, we currently have 3 tutorials there and 4 more in que. Various other tutorial sites bring in a couple hundred. Apparently Google has brought in a bunch(not spiders, actual people) and I've been told our site ranks high when searching for graphics stuff.

I think the important part is to keep the visitor, not only to get him to the site. It’s necessary to give to the visitor things (information, services, …) which he is interested in and in a form he understands.

Imagine, that you as a information provider are at one side of the river and you have questions. On the other side of the river is your visitor and has questions as well. But you are not hearing each other and therefore you have to build a bridge to meet and to talk.

It’s not anything difficult. Just have a chat on your website and communicate with your visitors from time to time. Ask them what they miss, what they didn’t find, what is causing them problems, what they thing and so on. And you are asking the most important source – your customers.

Anybody can add a chat to the website. There are many chat services that are easy to install. It’s up to you to choose one you like the most.

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Note: make sure to select the correct category when submitting your website.

Try Advertising on Google or with Yahoo or some minor ones like Ask and Miva or Crawlingthenet.com hope that helps =)

You can create multiple blogs and have them all link back to your main site. It should give it an extra boost :)

You can create multiple blogs and have them all link back to your main site. It should give it an extra boost :)

That doesn't work and is a complete waste of time.

perhaps something is going wrong with your method of promotion.log into maximum amount of site with the same domain so that links of ur url are swaped

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Forum posts on the big sites with sig will help you out lots.

Create articles on frequent questions in your industry and market teasers from them everywhere with link back to the full article.

Options are endless for your industry... just have a look at what some of your competitors are doing

Link building
Social networks
Online catalogs
Press release
Viral marketing

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