Hi, I am new to web design and i want to redirect my webpage to other page if some certain conditions doesn't satisfay. can any one tell me how to do that.


What kind of conditions are you talking about? Browser type or whether they have flash player, etc?

What kind of conditions are you talking about? Browser type or whether they have flash player, etc?

Thanks for your reply, and my conditions is language. I want my language to be "Amhric" (Ethiopian ) but if they browser doesn't have that language i need it to redirect to english version

What kind of conditions are you talking about? Browser type or whether they have flash player, etc?

Thanks for your reply, and my conditions is language. I want my language to be "Amhric" (Ethiopian ) but if they browser doesn't have that language i need it to redirect to english version

so if you can please help me

Just stick a link on the amhric page, with the link text saying "English" in English.

Just stick a link on the amhric page, with the link text saying "English" in English.

thanks for your reply but i realy want my Amharic page to identify the browser weather it has amharic language or not and if not i need it to redirect to my english webpage itself


Does the Amhric language need a special font installed? Can it be represented in Unicode? Do you want to serve an Amhric page to people physically in Ethiopia, and an English page elsewhere, or do you want to serve an Amhric page to anyone who can view Amhric, wherever they are in the world? Basically, what are the conditions under which a browser 'has the Amhric language'?

Either way, that is, even if you find it's possible to do this ( which it might be ); I would certainly do as MidiMagic said, put a link saying 'English' or a frontpage saying 'Which language would you like?'.

It is possible, but the ways to do it all depend on what language you want to use. You cannot do it with HTML alone.

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