<span style='color: lime; font-weight: bold; filter:glow(color=red, strength=7); height: 3px;'>Hello</span>

Normally, in IE that would make text with a red fire background with lime text. I used to use IE so i never knew but, now that i use Firefox, it showed up just lime with no read fire background. It's not a MAJOR problem, but i liked the text...

Could anyone tell me how i can make this work with other browsers other than IE

As far as I know there is no firefox equivalent for the CSS style filter, its only for MSIE5+ browsers (I could be wrong). There are several things you can do though... put in a background image, make the actual text an image, use CSS dropdown shadows, etc...

...code for firefox, then correct it for other browsers as needed =)

Well thanks. I can't really use an image because its on a forum and the name changes based on the user. But i guess there is no way.

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