where do you find the curly brackets used in css code or is it just appropriate to use the common brackets.

where do you find the curly brackets used in css code or is it just appropriate to use the common brackets.

Your kidding right? l hope you mean different to me... It's near the enter button, you have gotta hold shift to use em, l am pretty sure that it is curly brackets only, just use curly brackets for usability anyway...

its a function of keyboard layout
not everyone uses EN-us keyboards
the keyboard mapping for other languages, even other subsets of EN, changes the location of keys, and may move non-standard (in the active language character set) characters to 'third' function positions
dlannetts answer may be expanded to, 'this is where it mostly is, but look everywhere'

with your answer almostbob you have confirmed that l am on the right topic here... :)

thanks dlannets- it's kinda silly not to have spotted them but believe me sometimes you can't see things that are right under your nose- hope to post more.

Sorry, rephrase
dlannetts correct answer may be expanded to, 'this is where it mostly is, but look everywhere'

pebkac errors

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