I have a menu that is being obscured by a text field. I tried setting the Z-index in the CSS to 1 and 2 respectively and set the position to relative (w3 schools sais the positioning must by relative, absolute, or fixed) for the Z index to have effect but still is obscured.

I want this input text element to be underneath the menu element sddm. I'm guessing it has something to do with the child nodes but I'm not sure?


Care to post your entire HTML/CSS code? I despise having to guess the issue.

It's more than likely a parent issue. If the parent of the text box is set for z-index:2 and the parent of the menu is z-index:1 you cannot promote the child of the one higher than the other. Any z-index you change on the menu will take it higher on it's parent, but it's parent is below the text box's parent.

I hope this helps.

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