I want to put a footer in a page wrap but it doesn't appear at all
i write the markup

<div id="footer">

and the CSS

#footer {

        min-height: ..... ;
         background: url(images/footer.jpg) no-repeat;

background: url('images/footer.jpg') no-repeat; Note the single quotes.

Make sure that you're using the correct file path, then try giving it a set width and height. If it's still not appearing, then another element is affecting it.


also try doing

background-color: #000;

to see if the sections displaying, When i code up a design, i always set random solid colors to make sure i get the layout all setup

background: url('images/footer.jpg') no-repeat; Note the single quotes.

Make sure that you're using the correct file path, then try giving it a set width and height. If it's still not appearing, then another element is affecting it.


Thanks the problem wasn't about quotes but as you said i set a width and it worked

Thank you

also try doing

background-color: #000;

to see if the sections displaying, When i code up a design, i always set random solid colors to make sure i get the layout all setup

I tried your method but it didn't work but anyway thank you for your try

I tried your method but it didn't work but anyway thank you for your try

I wasn't really trying to solve your problem, i was more giving you a tip since i figured the other guy fixed it.

Anyhow, use the edit button when replying so you don't do more than 1 post, <-- another tip ^_^

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