how does these facebook numbers([[298356516884232]] ...many like this) make "images" together?
black and white images like trollfaces ,recently there were coloured images too. any idea?

hello silvercats these numbers are just the picture ID as for the troll ffaces and all thhese are designed in photoshop or other photo editing softwares i hoe this helps

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how does these facebook numbers([[298356516884232]] ...many like this) make "images" together?
black and white images like trollfaces ,recently there were coloured images too. any idea?

Like what php.coder those are just numbers that is generated by facebook to displate the images. Regarding how to do that I don't really know.

for your own use, try, base64 encoding, the image is written as displayable characters and recoded on the fly
the same as images are embedded in email
a likely google search would be multipart mime refers to email but the process is the same

the ([enclosed]) also ([[ ]]) (([[ ]])) ([[[ ]]]), facebook numbers do not actually encode anything, they are references for facebook javascripts to access stored images, references to user id_s, references to anything facebook want to reference, obscured - not encrypted

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