I have Dreamweaver MX 2004, and Windows XP. I'm trying to validate and alter a template in Dreamweaver. (Template has one table, and seven editable regions.)

First problem - can't make changes to some of the HTML, such as moving header markers outside of paragraphs. I can only change programming in the top half - once I get about the middle cannot add lines, change HTML, etc. Is there some way to 'free up' the rest for editing? Anyone have an idea as to why this is happening? Can I stop it from happening?

Second problem - after applying the template to several pages, start getting random code popping up, which isn't consistent, nor is it present (visually) on the template. But on the website, it appears on the top of the page. Someone suggested it's because of dynamic coding - could this be related to the third problem?

Third, and last problem - using Milonic free bar; can't get it to work properly despite following directions. Does anyone have an idea about how to integrate the code?

While I've built and run 3 websites using Dreamweaver, am definitely not professional. Haven't run into this problem before; it's driving me crazy. Any help will be very gratefully received.

Thanks, JulieM

This problem is going to be extremely difficult to diagnose and fix. One, most experienced HTML coders code directly, so telling you what to do in Dreamweaver isn't really possible. I can tell you what is wrong with a line of HTML or JavaScript code, but can't tell you what to do in Dreamweaver to fix it.

Also, you're dealing with 3rd party templates and scripts, which you haven't shown us. Really, you need to go back to the template and script authors for support.

However, if you provide a link to the problematic page, we can at least look at the code and point out where the problems might be.

Hi - thanks for replying! Given your response, I've been working on a HTML page all day; it took a while, but think I've 'got it'

This problem is going to be extremely difficult to diagnose and fix. One, most experienced HTML coders code directly, so telling you what to do in Dreamweaver isn't really possible. I can tell you what is wrong with a line of HTML or JavaScript code, but can't tell you what to do in Dreamweaver to fix it.

However, if you provide a link to the problematic page, we can at least look at the code and point out where the problems might be.

the URL is http://cornwall-opc.org/Parishes/A-D/AntRose,St. (or go to the home addr, click on parishes then St. Anthony in Roseland.) The page that opens is the Test Page I've been working on. My biggest question now is if the

<!-- function SymError () (etc - the next 5 lines, down to window.onerror = SymError)

is needed or not. I'd never seen it before, but the person who did the javascript (and has since left the project) said was needed. (I really tried to find an answer, in books and help definitions- couldn't find it.)

If you can find any code that's wrong, I'll be glad to change it. My goal is to have a stable model that can be applied to 219 pages, so its important to get the bugs out now.

Thanks VERY MUCH for the help. Julie

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