Howdy, my name is Jeremy. I'm a noob, I'll tell you that upfront. I know a very small amount of html, and I'm sure this can be done. I need it so that when a user clicks a link it will run an executable, instead of requiring them to download it. I plan on putting it on an InvisionFree board help site for computer management for my VB high school final. (yes, I'm already thinking of it) any advice would be greatly appriciated. A step by step walk through would be even more appriciated. Thanks in advance.


You can't do that. It is a security risk and no browser will allow it. The best you can do is hope they select execute when the dialog box appears in their browser IF one does appear at all.

You can run an executable on the server machine; but not on the client's machine.

VB probably isn't so common as a serverside application language; but hey, it could work.

A computer can't run any code until the code actually exists on that computer's hard disk. That's what the download does.

The ability of a computer to control another computer in this manner is the way viruses spread. Operating systems should have never been made in such a way to allow this in any way.

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