I am looking for a flash mentor. i dont have anything to offer for you but i would very muchly like someone to help me understand this program. i am a fast learner (most of the time) and have already figured dreamweaver out. just PM me or something if you can help!

PainKiller V2

Your best bet would be to continue teaching yourself. Check out some flash tutorial sites such as www.kirupa.com and www.cbtcafe.com


I am looking for a flash mentor. i dont have anything to offer for you but i would very muchly like someone to help me understand this program. i am a fast learner (most of the time) and have already figured dreamweaver out. just PM me or something if you can help!

PainKiller V2

What do you need to know? Where to start?
Flashkit.com has many tutorials.

Do you already have a copy of flash?
If not, goto:
and d/l a 30-day trial of flash.
macromedia is good about providing alot of documentation about their products.
If you just want to see the docs, the site is:
check those things out.
Then if you still want to learn more, you can goto some of the sites mentioned above.
If you want quick lessons, I like:
Enjoy your pursuits in mastering flash. I am learning flash also, and I found those sites helpful.

-Soral 3.0

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