hi, i hav a problem.. last friday, i cleaned my processors fan n graphic card fan...and after putin everythin back again, i tried startin back n it couldnt detect my hardisk!! it was sayin NTLDR is missng press ctrl+alt+del... and i checked my bios and it was sayin my master HD was "not installed" my slave was ok...what do i do?? can my HD can repaired?? how bout my data?? can i recover it back?? i really want my data back... but to recover from a recovery company it bloody damn expensive..im still a student dun relly hav tat kinda of cash..do help guys...

check the jumpers on the hard drive, are they both on the save ide cable. if so, remove the clave, set the master to single hard drive then try to use the bios to detect it. after you boot up shut down set the master jumper to master with slave and set the slave jumper to slave..
this that does not resolve your issue some times cable select work best for some bios, so put the master at the end of the cable and the slave at the next notch. and set both jumpers to cable select.

Look on the top of your hard drive for the jumper confic.

Look on the top of your hard drive for the jumper confic.

lol m not tat new into tis stuff tat i dunt knoe da jumpers config

check the jumpers on the hard drive, are they both on the save ide cable. if so, remove the clave, set the master to single hard drive then try to use the bios to detect it. after you boot up shut down set the master jumper to master with slave and set the slave jumper to slave..
this that does not resolve your issue some times cable select work best for some bios, so put the master at the end of the cable and the slave at the next notch. and set both jumpers to cable select.

i tried that..but when i put my slave HD which is workin as master, it detects that not the the other 1...i even tried the HD on my frens comp..didnt work..:P

btw is amd x2 6000+ comes with is own heatsink cooling system that u don need a external cpu fan?? :P

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