
When i start my computer the monitor does not display and the orange light turns on and the computer sounds like it is booting up. I have the display running from my RAM and do not use a graphics card. Could my RAM be faulty and would a graphics card rectify the situation? Any help would be much appreciated.

. I have the display running from my RAM and do not use a graphics card.QUOTE]

Expain your system a little better. What do you have, what OS are you using, general specs.....after you post this, the DaniWeb community might be able to help you out a bit more....cheers!


When i start my computer the monitor does not display and the orange light turns on and the computer sounds like it is booting up. I have the display running from my RAM and do not use a graphics card. Could my RAM be faulty and would a graphics card rectify the situation? My system is a 1800 mhz amd with 512 meg of ram and traditional monitor Any help would be much appreciated.

Are you sure you do not have a graphics card?? Perhaps you have an on-board graphics card/chipset.

It also sounds like you need to do some control testing, to try and perhaps pinpoint the problem...Try plugging your computer into a different monitor, or tv (if you have the proper hookups), if it works, then you know it is your monitor. You might also try reseating your cables. Another thing to try is to unplug your computer and monitor, wait five minutes, and plug it back in....Hit us back with how you fair!

I spoke to a friend who advised me to remove the lithium battery for a minute and when i started the computer the monitor powered up. But it does say that there is a CMOS memory error but it does operate. Thanks for your help

oh yes people i paste this thing in other forums...plz tell me my dvd is not giving me diplay...so where is the pro

where i think so it is the fault of vga card...is it right

sorry -reposting

according to your specs you do have a graphics card ...however if im correct any card after the 7600 gt by xfx(gforce) requires power from the molex cionnector (4 pin ) near the front of the card ..check that first ...then also make sure your graphics card is all the way in its slot ....

hi there
ohk heres what you can do that will eliminate some questions that I wanted to ask you. Remove everythink from your board including
-cd/dvd drives
-other external cards ie sound card
except your ram and display card(graphics card)
Remove your cmos for 10+ minutes (power diconnected)
Now replace cmos and connect power with monitor cables [leave other hardware disconnected just ram and display card connected] and start machine up
Tip: If you have a camera phone take a photo of your machines layout before you remove anything

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