Anyone have idea of such Alarm which can be based on PC speaker, when new user enter into my website then this Alarm produce voice.

Waiting for experts answers.

You inept fool, you cannot make sound come out of your motherboards speaker excluding the pre-programmed sounds by the motherboard manufacturer.

You inept fool, you cannot make sound come out of your motherboards speaker excluding the pre-programmed sounds by the motherboard manufacturer.

the inept fool didn't use the word motherboard speaker ,you did ,they said PC speaker , PC = Personal Computer ,there they are referring to three computers speaker system

the inept fool didn't use the word motherboard speaker ,you did ,they said PC speaker , PC = Personal Computer ,there they are referring to three computers speaker system

I'm sorry... My friend was on my account and wrote this.. I honestly don't know much about computers - he is a hardware nerd. I would help you if i could.

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