so i was building a computer with my bro
all the cards/hardrives/cdroms are correctly placed
but my cpu (AMD Athlon 64) i misplaced it locked it and got fried
so on my mother board it looks good but on 2 of the holes is black on the surface so im not sure if i should get rid of it or does it work or not
i cant test it cause i dont have anything to test it with
please help
im really scared (expensive mobo)

What do you mean by "Misplaced it?"
You mean you Forced it into a Zero-force Insertion Socket?

Either way -- Not good! Are there any Capacitors bulging or leaking on the Board? Are there any other components burned? Did you straighten the pins and try again (this is my sick curiosity since the processor is almost certainly fried) ?

Cap. should be flat on top.

What do you mean by "Misplaced it?"
You mean you Forced it into a Zero-force Insertion Socket?

Either way -- Not good! Are there any Capacitors bulging or leaking on the Board? Are there any other components burned? Did you straighten the pins and try again (this is my sick curiosity since the processor is almost certainly fried) ?

Cap. should be flat on top.

somehow i did misplace it and some needles turned black
i got afraid that my mobo was also messed up because it got some black stains
but i checked and it works fine

So I'm not sure how to help you resolve this thread since I'm not quite sure what your question is. It might be nice if you explain how you tested the board/processor. This is the type of thing we learn from.

Don't forget to mark the thread as solved when it is. I look forward to hearing the rest of the story!

If you look on the processor and the socket, there is a triangle. These must be facing each other when installing the processor. Install it any other way and whoopsie.
The processor should just fall in when aligned correctly.
Only way you will know if the motherboard is ok will be to try another processor in the socket, installed correctly :D.

If you've let the MBS escape, then it's almost certainly done for :(

I would like to thank everone for there help
my question is solved
I'll ask more when needed
once again thanks you guys

new psu only green light on mb comes on nothing els comes on

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