Does anyone know if there is a way that I can either A.) Get around T&L or B.) Get software or hardware that will give me this. I can't upgrade my notebook card and it doesn't support T&L which is needed for a game that I want to play. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
:confused: :sad: :(

What game are you trying to play and what machine are you trying to run it on?
Does the game give you any errors?
Does the game just give you a black screen when you try to run it?

Final Fantasy XI is the game, and it seems to run the Playonline viewer (game logon app, message/email app etc.) but as soon as I try to launch the game from the viewer I get a black screen and a warning saying something along the lines of cannot detect Texture and Lighting. If you need more info I can run the game on my lunch (I'm at work) and see the exact error message I get.

Thanks for responding, I hope I can get this fixed because I have paid $$$ for this game and because I could run the viewer I was able to register the game and the month of free service already, making it unreturnable.

You have to love FFXI. I'm fighting with Square right now to cancel my account since I can't find the numerous reg codes.

I need more information though. What computer are you trying to run this on? I need specific details so I know exactly what hardware you are working with.

The notebook I'm trying to get installed onto (So I have two seperate accounts) is a Dell Latitude D505 and it has an Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics controller. I am pretty sure that I can't upgrade the vid card, but if I can let me know. My main question was there some way of getting software that will give me texture and lighting or something that will trick the game into thinking I have it.

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