
i am just wondering whether a smaller amount (2Gb) of premium RAM is better than more (4Gb) of regular RAM for a gaming machine

my system isn't finished yet but at the moment it is
2.67Ghz core 2 duo
the motherbord can support up to 1066 DDR2 and 1066 FSB
10k Sata HDD
should have 2 x 512 x1950 XT-X eventually

i will be running vista ultimate

thanks in advance

i got a dell with a radeon x800 pro and 2.5gb of DDR 533 ram and a Petium 4 HT and it runs battlfied 2 perfectly on the highest settings so no, i dont think having the fastest ram ever makes that much of a difefrence.


i am just wondering whether a smaller amount (2Gb) of premium RAM is better than more (4Gb) of regular RAM for a gaming machineQUOTE]

Unless you are overclocking or doing DVD encoding you don't really need premium RAM. I would however suggest staying with known manufacturers like Crucial, Geil, Corsair, kingston. This especially true if you are going to be running dual channel, some generic modules don't perform well in this application.

Value RAM is sold by many of the afore mentioned manufacturers, and for the most part these modules are better than most generic brand. It's worth investing the extra fifteen or twenty dollars for the better RAM.

yeah, 2 gig of DDR2 crucial for my dads pc was £130

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