
I have this monitor, made by Dell. What happens is when I plug it into a computer and start it up, it looks like it is going to start, by changing from an off screen to a black screen. Then the power LED just blinks. I know it is not the computer because i'm currently using that computer on a different monitor. There is no warranty left. Does anybody have any suggestions????. Thanks.

The power LED on what?

the monitor....Also when you let it sit, you can see the screen like flash really quickly. That happens everytime the the power LED blinks. I opened it up to see if there might be a loose connection or something had fallen off, but everything looked to be in good condition.

I know this is basic but make sure to check your wires this happens alot when your in a hurry also make sure the settings are right for the monitor try adjusting the monitor settings them selves. Last check the video card whether its onboard or custom sometimes the monitor looks for more than the card can support.

Ok...I know that it has nothing to with the video card, i double checked the cords, and I can't even get into the monitor settings to change anything, i know has something to do with the monitor itself.

have you tried the monitor on a diffrent pc I hate to say it but the monitor may be bad

ha ha ....i know that the monitor is Bad.....thats what i mean...I want to know how to fix it....like the guts of the actual monitor

LCD monitors aren't worth trying to fix in most cases, it's just not cost effective, and CRT monitors are a dime a dozen.

actually in this case it is....I figured it out and i would like to let other people know how i did it. So it turned out that it was a simple fuse problem. I just changed the fuse and it works fine..If you would like more information.....here is the website HERE

Congratulations, the power supply is about the only thing worth checking on those, after that it usually isn't cost effective to pursue them.

The question you need to start thinking about now is why did the fuse blow?

It may not have been the fuse blowing, but in fact it could just be the age of the fuse itself....:)

It could have been defective, or the manufacturer could have installed the wrong value, or it could simply have been gremlins. Or it could be that the fuse saw a larger amount of current that it was rated to handle. I basically don't trust that a fuse just died, we will never know unless the problem repeats itself.

True..True....But if it was properly checked through the testing facility.......i don't know...it could have been anything.....but there was a definitely a small reading on the multimeter...

It could have simply been a surge of current from your wall socket possibly. If the fuse hasnt blown again then you should be in the clear.

I have a DELL monitor that is doing the exact same thing. LED blinking on and off. Only thing is that it only does it when I power up my computer, or if the monitor goes into hybernate and I try to use it again. If I let my computer completly power up before turning on my monitor then it doesnt do it.

Only issue that I am having is simply getting into the monitor to check things out. Their are only 4 screws in it and two of those hold on the stand. The rest of the monitor is snapped together or something......I am just afraid of breaking it when I try to open it up.

i have a monitor that is acting funny, when i first turn it on it goes white, if i unplug and plug back in the ribbon wire on the back of the actual monitor panel it works, but then if i turn it off after its working and turn it back on, it turns white again. does anyone know where the problem is?

i think this type of behaviour of a computer can be due to data cable problems of your lcd monitor ,because as you said while you start your pc it is normally starting and your moniter is indicating that the power supplay of its working is available through the led light below thw screen and as you said a white screen is also seen then it become inactive,hope its either the problem of the data cable of moniter or some connecting error,i had not een any complaints in lcd moniter yet,


I have this monitor, made by Dell. What happens is when I plug it into a computer and start it up, it looks like it is going to start, by changing from an off screen to a black screen. Then the power LED just blinks. I know it is not the computer because i'm currently using that computer on a different monitor. There is no warranty left. Does anybody have any suggestions????. Thanks.

Ite mate,

Think this might be an issue with your monitor, i am having a simular issue where, the monitor is loading and working but as soon as windows starts the monitor goes blank and states no signal, have tried this on my laptop and it does the same.
Hope this helps.

I have a monitor that goes to sleep and wont wake up.When my pc goes into sleep mode I cant get the monitor to come back on.The on/off button flashes and the curser come up but nothing else.Any suggestions??

I have a monitor that goes to sleep and wont wake up.When my pc goes into sleep mode I cant get the monitor to come back on.The on/off button flashes and the curser come up but nothing else.Is this sort of the same problem as yours?Mine was ok,now,!!!!

My pc is less than 12 months old.

In my past experience I have been able to fix most flat screens for little on nothing
don/t just through it out because it doesn't work. Most of the time it is just a few capacitors bad or a diode or two, these parts are very cheap. Just need to know where to look for them.
Michael BeDell

Hi guys
What If the LCD Monitor shows that power is okey but displays nothing and connection is Okey What will you do?
This is because I think I have related problem

Make sure that power cables are properly inserted, remove all the cables turn off the system and try again, plugging in, this could help.

go to service center to check your monitor...

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