This is a puzzling problem.
I put this card in, and it works fine for five years. Then, one day, it quits.

-I get the boot screen
- I get the "Windows is Loading" screen
but as soon as it loads into the windows environment, the monitor goes into standby mode, as if it's not plugged into the computer at all. If connected to the TV set, I get the snow show on the TV.

The computer is booted. I can access all my documents, etc, through the network from the other computer.

I thought this was a card failure problem. So I got another Geforce card (similar but slightly newer) and threw that in there. Same problem.

I tried to boot into safe mode, but the computer wouldn't let me move the cursor to select safe mode. I restarted it, and got the same treatment. It booted up on its own after its 30 seconds had expired.

I'm going to update this in a while -- I have a friend on the way bringing a non-Geforce card in to try, and see if it's the slot that's gone.

It seems to have a problem at the point where it would select a resolution for itself (loading the Windows environment).

Any ideas? It's not the cards, and the machine's booting up OK, but I can't get into the control panel to check it out because I can't see anything.

If Windows wont boot, their isn't too much to try. Is it only safe mode you can't select, because "Enable VGA Mode" and "Last Know Good...." would be viable options to try from the same menu.

Otherwise, put your Windows disk in, and try a repair.

When the Press any key to boot from CD message is displayed on your screen, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD.
Press ENTER when you see the message To setup Windows XP now, and then press ENTER displayed on the Welcome to Setup screen.
Do not choose the option to press R to use the Recovery Console.
In the Windows XP Licensing Agreement, press F8 to agree to the license agreement.
Make sure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box, and then press R to repair Windows XP.
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete Setup.

Regards, Dave

Thats the funny thing -- it's booted, the computer itself is sitting around running Windows (I can tell because I can see it on the network and access its files) but just won't show anything....

Sry, I meant if you can't get into Windows to run commands etc....

Changing the GFX Card, proving it's most likely a software problem, your not left with too many options other than try to recover the OS install.

Sry I can't be of any more help, Regards, Dave

Thanks Dave,

So far, two things have SORT OF helped. At the very least, I've discovered it's not a hardware issue.

1. Reinstalling the drivers through Safe Mode (I CAN get into Safe Mode with a picture) will provide a temporary fix. As soon as I restart the computer, it goes back to its old tricks.

2. A good old fashioned System Restore to a LONG TIME AGO has worked as well. I get a picture when I do this, but then every time I shut it down, when it boots up, I get a new resolution. Not the one I left it with. I can deal with this until I have the time to back everything up and give that old box a clean install. This seems to be an issue with either the driver (which is up to date) or that Nvidea software that is used to configure two devices.

One thing about that card is that its selling point was that I can clone my pictures to TWO devices, but that each one can have its own resolution. As it is, I have my computer precariously accepting the television set, but if I plug in the monitor, the monitor gets no picture. On both cards. I suppose I'll just settle.....


Can't think of much else, but you may want to try;

- If you know your motherboard make and model, you could download new drivers for the Chipset (also called Northbridge) from the Mobo's manufacturers website. This can have an effect on GFX performance. I've seen similar problems to yours with Dell PCs, so should have thought to mention this earlier.

- Best practice for updating GFX Card drivers is to uninstall in Safe Mode. Reboot, ignoring any "New Found Hardware" Wizards, and installing fresh drivers from NVidia.

Regards, Dave

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your advice. I think the problem sorted itself out. It seems that as long as I only have the TV attached to the card and not the monitor, it seems to have been stable for the last couple weeks.

Thanks again!

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