I recently did a clean and new install of windows xp on a Compaq
Presario 2108 cl. Everything works just fine including the wireless 802.11, but the wireless button on the front of the machine will not turn
the light off. I can connect and disconnect my wireless connection by using the software but the light is completely unresponsive. I know this may sound trivial but if anyone knows how to correct this I would certainly appreciate the input.

it could be the wire to the button. try holding it down for a minute.

I had the same problem. Reinstall drivers from driver recovery cd that came with laptop. That fixed it for me.

Hello just thought i would help here, if you enter the device manager disable the wireless network adapter, restart the system then enter the BIOS enable wireless LAN also save changes. When desktop appears you should be able to switch the wireless on and off!!!!!.

this is old, i don't the original poster is still here.

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