Hi everybody

I have a desktop. I discovered that my PC produces a lot of heat (above normal). When I put my hand on the back of the case on the spot of the power supply fan, I feel very little air coming out although I can see the fan revolving rapidly. I opened the case and checked: the fan I'm talking about revolves well as I told you and there is another fan also inside the power supply that doesn't revolve at all. The CPU fan is also revolving but when I put my hand on it, I don't feel any air coming out of it and it produces a loud sound. When I check the BIOS, it says that the PC temperature is around 58 degrees when the case is closed. It says also that both the CPU fan and System fan have 0 RPM. From when this problem happened, my PC became very slow and a Windows bubble pops a lot saying "Virtual Memory minimum to low" although I don't have a lot of programs installed :( Do you know what is the problem? Do you know also where can I find this System fan inside the case (Not the CPU fan)? Do you know also what is a heatsink cause I hear this a lot (is this the CPU fan?)? Should all fans inside the power supply revolve or..? Please try to give me some details because I got fucked up from the slow of my computer! :sad:

ok the fans inside your tower sould give off some type of air, howver the one on the CPU mught be turned inwards, you will not feel any air coming from it if thats the case. the heatsink is tha big aluminum grid you see with the fan on the CPU the brain of the Computer. the purpose of the ehatsink is to help remove the heat build up from the processor.
if the fans dont give off any air get them change.

Hi bobbyraw,

1) The first fan inside the power supply that is directed at the back of the case produces very little air not like the normal fans although it revolves very quickly...what is the problem?

2) The second fan inside the power supply that is directed to the inside of the case doesn't revolve at all, so the power supply should be changed?

3) What is a system fan (not the CPU fan)? Where it can be located?

4)How to know if this heatsink works or not?

5) The BIOS tells me that both the CPU and System fan have 0 RPM although I can see the CPU fan revolving! so what is the problem as well

Plzzzzzz answer me in details

Hi bobbyraw,

1) The first fan inside the power supply that is directed at the back of the case produces very little air not like the normal fans although it revolves very quickly...what is the problem?

2) The second fan inside the power supply that is directed to the inside of the case doesn't revolve at all, so the power supply should be changed?

3) What is a system fan (not the CPU fan)? Where it can be located?

4)How to know if this heatsink works or not?

5) The BIOS tells me that both the CPU and System fan have 0 RPM although I can see the CPU fan revolving! so what is the problem as well

Plzzzzzz answer me in details

only one detail needed ,take the computer to a repair shop and have no-working fans replaced before you ruin your power supply and you motherboard and processor !!! HEAT Kills

I took it before and the man just changed the CPU fan. My father told me to ignore this!

I want to know the problems so that when I go to a technician, I tell him what to do..

1) The first fan inside the power supply that is directed at the back of the case produces very little air not like the normal fans although it revolves very quickly...what is the problem?

this fan removes heat from the power supply, if its spinning fast and little air or non is given off the fan is shot, or the power supply is clogged with dust thus blocking the clear path the the fan if dust is the issue, clean if that does not change the output replace the pwr supple or the fan

2) The second fan inside the power supply that is directed to the inside of the case doesn't revolve at all, so the power supply should be changed?
do u have 2 fan inside the pwr supple????
if the case fan does not spin change it, that takes the heat out of the case if it does not spin get a new one. or check if its connected.,
3) What is a system fan (not the CPU fan)? Where it can be located?
the systemn fan is the one on the case.
4)How to know if this heatsink works or not? heat sink cannot stop work it's a piec of aluminum that dicipate the heat from the processor, the main reason for using aluminum is that it cools faster and transfers heat better than other metals. it cannot stop working

5) The BIOS tells me that both the CPU and System fan have 0 RPM although I can see the CPU fan revolving! so what is the problem as well
that simple mean the fas dont work chech to make sure they are connected properly negative negative and positive to positive or replace them

Thanks bobbyraw very much for your help :) I will change the power supply and the CPU fan but I have 2 more questions:

1)My case is an old one and I cant see any fans on it, is this normal?? It has a white color. So it doesn't have this system fan?

2) Do you think the "Virtual memory minimum to low" bubble in Windows XP that appears to me can be related to the overheat produced by the PC because of the fans?

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