RedHat5 enterprise

when i plugged in an USB thumb drive, redhat automatically mounted to /media
i did a "umount /media/driveName" and it went away.

i tried to mount it again "mount /dev/sda /mnt/usb"
i got """mount: /dev/sda already mounted or /mnt/usb busy""""

i am actually not sure if /dev/sda is the right device.

"grep -i usb /var/log/dmesg" doesn't give me very good idea where my usb is.

any good suggestion? please.. thanks

Your current working directory could be /media while unmouting usb. Check if usb is actually mounted anywhere using either mount or fdisk -l command.

when you finish your work with USB. You must unmount Device.
Use this umount /mnt/usb or your exect location where you mounted USB.

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