I recently had new motherboard installed, MK33, for my trusty old but updated (as much as possible) computer. Offline use of XP pro was freezing up on me quite regularly until I changed my DSL connection from USB to Ethernet card. Now I have freeze up when I try to play or download videos Online and have to reboot.

MK33 limits HDD space to 137G (OK), Mem is only at 512, I use Firefox & Thunderbird, have PNY graphics card Nvidia GeForce. MOBO tech checked my power supply & said it was sufficient. Processor is limited at 1.5G. I have the latest WinMedia player and have no problem downloading audio files.

When consulting DSL tech he had me disable a network adapter in Device Manager (package?) bad advice...and now I can't boot in safe-mode. (missing driver?) Any ideas for me? (other than "get a new computer"?)

Is the problem that you can't see web video or that you can't boot the PC anymore? When you upgraded the motherboard did you format and reinstall XP?

Is the problem that you can't see web video or that you can't boot the PC anymore? When you upgraded the motherboard did you format and reinstall XP?

Yes, I did format and reinstall XP....several times because the system froze up during the install and I had to start over. When I changed the DSL connection from USB to Ethernet, the problem seemed to clear up....until I went online and tried to watch a video. The video runs for about 14 seconds and then my system freezes again. I thought the problem was only when I went online until this morning...I booted up, my desktop came up...and then it froze again. On second boot it is now OK, So Far.

I'm stumped. Everything else is the same on my computer as it was with the old Motherboard but I never had these problems. The tech who installed it can see no reason why this is so, although he did recommend the Ethernet card. I had him check all the settings and jumpers etc. Thanks.

Does the PC lock up when you don't have the DSL modem attached? If so it's sounding like your motherboard might have been bad out of the box.

Does the PC lock up when you don't have the DSL modem attached? If so it's sounding like your motherboard might have been bad out of the box.

Thanks, I'll test that out for the offline system. Of course with the modem detached I can't test out the online videos. If it is the motherboard....bummer! :'( I'm back to square one then, so I'll keep on researching for awhile.

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