Have read many blogs etc on the internet regarding error code 8024402C which is preventing me from accessing any "windows update and microsoft web site". Other web sites are OK.

Can anyone assist me in solving this problem, I am using Windows 7 Evaluation Copy Build 7100 as the O.S.

This problem has only occurred about 3 weeks ago, previously I had no problem.


mikejm, you should check whether your firewall is blocking SVCHOST from accessing the internet. You should un-block svchost service from your firewall in order for Windows Update to work.

Thank you Nanosani for your reply, could you please advise how I check to see if SVCHOST is being blocked by my firewall in Windows 7.



Microsoft does have an official Windows 7 Support Forum located here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/w7itpro/ . It is supported by product specialists as well as engineers and support teams. You may want to check the threads available there for additional assistance and feedback.

Microsoft Windows Client Team

Thank you JessicaD42 and Adamsappleone for your replies, unfortunately I may have not explained myself good enough, but any web site with microsoft is unattainable as is windows update. So getting help via Microsoft is out of the question till I resolve my problem.

All other web sites are all OK.

Thanks again

Thank you JessicaD42 and Adamsappleone for your replies, unfortunately I may have not explained myself good enough, but any web site with microsoft is unattainable as is windows update. So getting help via Microsoft is out of the question till I resolve my problem.

All other web sites are all OK.

Thanks again

Sounds like you may have picked up a trojan.
Try this program, see if it helps; It's called "Trojan Remover"

Thank you "Adamsappleone" for your suggestion, I loaded and ran "Trojan Remover" and this stated that I was infected with the Trojan W32/virut.

Obtained "fixvirut.com" from "symantec" and ran this in "Safe mode" using ms-dos.

After 90 minutes this program stated that my computer is not infected with this virus.

On further checking with "Trojan Remover", I get the file size for C:\windows\system32\userinit.exe is not the correct size and should be scanned with virus removal tool from "Grisoft".

As I am unable to access any Microsoft web site as well as any Anti Software web site, I feel I am "stuck".

I do have "Spyware Doctor with Antivirus Ver. 6 "and "Registry Mechanic Ver. 8" loaded on my computer even though they are not supporting Windows 7 at this stage.

Any further suggestions from anyone?


mikejm, which firewall are you using? Disable the firewall and then try to do it. If it works, then surely it's the firewall that's the culprit. You can do the following:

If it is Windows Firewall then you can go to Control Panel --> Windows Firewall --> Exceptions and add svchost to the exception list.

svchost is located in C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe

Usually Windows firewall does not block Microsoft's own services. So I suppose you're using a 3rd party firewall.
If you are using any other firewall, you can add the same exe file to the exception list.

Ok, I think Adamsappleone just gave you a malware. The tool from Grisoft was very likely a Trojan.Hupigon. You most probably got some other stuff like a rogue antivirus (a scareware) and some AVKilers that block the access to the AV sites. I suggest you to reboot in safe-mode and try from there to go online and do a full system scan. Almost every AV has means to scan online now. I recommend BitDefender since I know for sure they have a decent online scanner. The update problem may be related to the fact you are in a domain and the updates are managed by your system administrator. If you went with your laptop at work this is the most probable cause.

Sounds like you may have picked up a trojan.
Try this program, see if it helps; It's called "Trojan Remover"

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