when i attach some of the document .this attachment go in a
separate attachment .they go in the body of the email.they are
not comming in the toolbar.kindly let me know the idea.any help
would be highly appreciated.

plz clear and details. I don't understand what you said.

when i tried to attach some file as a attachment.it is not comming
as a standard way.instead it is comming at detail section.where
user write the repy and all these things .

when i tried to attach some file as a attachment.it is not comming
as a standard way.instead it is comming at detail section.where
user write the repy and all these things .

details like email program you are using and the type of file you are attaching and are you having this problem with all attachments

details like email program you are using and the type of file you are attaching and are you having this problem with all attachments

i am using ms outlook 2003.i am trying to attach any type of file.means i am having this problem with all type of attachments.Kindly find the attachment also.

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