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I have a pc running on Windows 7 Ultimate (always updated) and has AVG Free 2011 Anti-virus. I use utility softwares like Tune Up utilities and ASC Pro.
The problem is that it has been a long time since the softwares such as the

  • opera
  • internet explorer
  • malwarebytes antimalware
  • iobit 360
  • utorrent
  • bittorrent
  • and others


  • firefox
  • google chrome
  • avg
  • Windows update
  • DAP
  • YM
  • and others.

The internet connection is through modem broadband.

What should I do to fix this problem


  • I checked the firewall already, connections were allowed.
  • I checked the internet connection settings of Internet Explorer and Opera already and everything was ok.

my suggestion is to rid you computer of programs like Tune Up utilities and ASC Pro,nothing but trouble and unnecessary in my opinion.
also would switch from avg to Avast or even Microsoft security essentials as lacking as it is .it works great for us

Member Avatar for Swordstech

my suggestion is to rid you computer of programs like Tune Up utilities and ASC Pro,nothing but trouble and unnecessary in my opinion.
also would switch from avg to Avast or even Microsoft security essentials as lacking as it is .it works great for us

Thanks for your reply.
For me, Microsoft Security Essentials is weak because it can't detect some viruses like avg does. by the way i have two anti-viruses in my pc. I have MSE and AVG. I use the utility softwares for some stuffs like shortcut cleaners and start-up manager. why should i remove it?

Using 2 antivirus programs at the same time is a very bad idea as they use virtual device drivers and will clash with one another and cause all kinds of problems. You don't seem to have an antimalware program so get Mbam - as it's absolutely brilliant and free to use!

my post was just my opinion,on the tools you use ,i see them causing problems all the time[ deleting registry entries that they shouldn't ] ,just an opinion
also you should not have 2 anti-virus program monitoring at the same,time if you re'

mse finds all viruses i/we have come across so far , 3 laptops in the house and none have viruses on them

Member Avatar for Swordstech

Using 2 antivirus programs at the same time is a very bad idea as they use virtual device drivers and will clash with one another and cause all kinds of problems. You don't seem to have an antimalware program so get Mbam - as it's absolutely brilliant and free to use!

I seldom use them at the same time.
I need help also about the anti-malware we are talking about. It says there SCManager failed to start.

Member Avatar for Swordstech

my post was just my opinion,on the tools you use ,i see them causing problems all the time[ deleting registry entries that they shouldn't ] ,just an opinion
also you should not have 2 anti-virus program monitoring at the same,time if you re'

mse finds all viruses i/we have come across so far , 3 laptops in the house and none have viruses on them

As I have observed, MSE detects slower than AVG. It seems that MSE blocks files that have virus poorly.
How can the deletion of registry keys affect my pc if the registry keys that are being deleted only are the obsolete ones?

Wether you scan with them or not regularly, they both have realtime monitors which can interfere with one another.

As I have observed, MSE detects slower than AVG. It seems that MSE blocks files that have virus poorly.

for that to happen you must be running both av's at the same time .

How can the deletion of registry keys affect my pc if the registry keys that are being deleted only are the obsolete ones?

thats my point ,they don't always just remove obsolete ,if they havent yet you have been lucky

Member Avatar for Swordstech

for that to happen you must be running both av's at the same time .

thats my point ,they don't always just remove obsolete ,if they havent yet you have been lucky

At that time, I turned both Anti-virus softwares on. like what I said, i seldom use my pc with both of them running on real time protection.

I was also thinking that idea before: about the utility softwares may have been the cause of these problems.

I have the installer in my hard drive. The problem is that i don't know yet how to repair windows files, and if im going to reinstall my os, im not sure if i can get a genuine version cause i only copied the installer from somebody. Im going to search for it.

Member Avatar for Swordstech

For those other volunteers who would like to help me, I would like to know more something about how to repair this problem.

For those other volunteers who would like to help me, I would like to know more something about how to repair this problem.

ok, my opinions sometimes get in my way ,sorry
go to start ,in the search box type in cmd ,when the cmd icon shows up right click on it and choose run as administrator , when the cmd prompt opens type in without the quotes 'sfc /scannow ' note there is a space between the c and the / you may need your win7 dvd [if you have one ]to repair any missing files you may not ,good luck

Member Avatar for Swordstech

ok, my opinions sometimes get in my way ,sorry
go to start ,in the search box type in cmd ,when the cmd icon shows up right click on it and choose run as administrator , when the cmd prompt opens type in without the quotes 'sfc /scannow ' note there is a space between the c and the / you may need your win7 dvd [if you have one ]to repair any missing files you may not ,good luck

Thanks, i'll try it.

Member Avatar for Swordstech

ok, my opinions sometimes get in my way ,sorry
go to start ,in the search box type in cmd ,when the cmd icon shows up right click on it and choose run as administrator , when the cmd prompt opens type in without the quotes 'sfc /scannow ' note there is a space between the c and the / you may need your win7 dvd [if you have one ]to repair any missing files you may not ,good luck

Caperjack, thanks for your help. I tried the sytem file checker. Maybe it helped me beacause a file was created/replaced. It didn't ask for a windows 7 dvd. Anyway, I got to solve the problem on my own. Thanks again for your help.

Member Avatar for Swordstech

To solve the problem, try to know what protocols are used. In my case, I removed the SPEEDBIT Protocol using LSP-FIX/Winsock 2 repair utility.
Open this site to download LSP-FIX :
Before you try this, check the firewall if the program has already been added to the allowed connections list.
Choose start -> control panels -> search for Windows Firewall -> Allow a program through Windows Firewall -> Change Settings -> enter the administrator password -> press ok then check the list of allowed programs. If none of them is the software you are using, then add it by pressing the allow another program option. Follow the instructions. then close the window.

two antivirus gives big headache to you man just uninstall one of them

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