Guys,i'm facing to a massive problem in these days.Because my Windows 7 OS gets about 2 to 3 hours to installing updates during its' shutting down.But sometimes it gets more than that.It's a really horrible thing.So I'm doing is removing the battery.I know that is a harmful thing to my laptop.Please help me to overcome from this issue.....

Are you connected to the internet by a slow connection? If you are trying to do a windows update, try to use a wired connection with a good speed, as otherwise updates can take a very long time.

But previously i didn't had any issue.Because i'm installing updates since last year.This is from several weeks....

Is your problem taking too long to shut down? If that is the case a hard disk failure could be imminet. Have you tried doing a virus to scan for virueses?

You mean to scan the the computer by using Antivirus Software?No but the i'm using MS Security Essentials & it says the computer is on a Safe Mode...Anyway i'll try to do a full system scan......

How long does it usuallt take to shut down the laptop before the problem and after the problem occurs. How long doed it takes to start up? What is your cpu usage? How big is your ram and how many spce have you left.

Before it gets just 1 or 2 it gets about 3 to 4 hours.... :O :O

For start up it gets about 1 minute.
Hard Drive is 360 GB one.
RAM is 4 GB.
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo.
Speed 2.20 GHz
64 bit OS

What is your cpu usage?

c cleaner is use to delete cache and delete unwanted files, but first we need to know what is his cpu usage. You can try that first if you want to

@ jingda

CPU usage is about 8%........

CPU usage is about 8%........

I can't help with the main problem, but a good workaround can be to use force shutdown:

shutdown -f -s -t 01

You can type it into any run dialog, into any command line, or you can make a bat file on the desktop.

just use tuneup utility it's free for trial mode and full functional for 15 days , this will solve ur problem,
and check ur windows drive , is there enough free space , windows drive needs minimum 7 gb of free space for working efficiantly,
U just disable all unwanted programs ,
hve u installed service pack1?

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