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Member Avatar for pixma

Hi! We are a 4 member group for our thesis and we already have submitted 5 topic proposals yet nothing was accepted...and here are the topics: enrollment system, gadgets on track, employment resource system, subdivision technical entry pass Now, I need a help for new ideas that can be developed …

Member Avatar for Aldrin_1
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

Am looking for something where I could get a array of next three months in number from the current month , i have tried to get the month in string but looking for something like eg : current month is 11 (ie) November so it should return 12,1,2 as next …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for DaniWebUser_1

I've recently started learning C and I have a simple program that I can't get to work. (I'm pretty sure C++ and C are similar enough at the basic level not to cause any problems in this forum). I've tried it by substituting the scanf("%s", myName) captured string data with …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for BirdaoGwra

Hi, I am getting an error while making a vector. frame.h #include <wx/wx.h> class Frame : public wxPanel { public: Frame(wxPanel* parent, int xx, int yy); ~Frame(); private: int x; int y; } frame.cpp #include "frame.h" Frame::Frame(wxPanel* parent, int xx, int yy) :wxPanel(parent) { x = xx; y = yy; …

Member Avatar for Kincso

This is a program to get a student mark, as an input from user and print its grade based on the following criteria: if mark>=80 print 'A' if mark between 70-80 print 'B' if mark between 60-70 print 'C' if mark between 50-60 print 'D' if mark < 50 print …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ccholic

I want to create a price-comparison website/web application and join affliate programs.My problem is, when I want to join for a company's affliate program,seems like every company asks for my website. How can I create a price-comparison website if I am not an affliate of any company?Can I create a price-comparison …

Member Avatar for Ccholic
Member Avatar for kg16w

Hey guys! I got super behind in my C++ class and I feel like I dont really know what I am doing. I've been trying to piece together from other examples of password coding, but I got a little lost in the sauce. Anyways, the requirements for this program is …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Gacso

Hello everyone! I'm sorry to bother you all, but I really need your help. I'm an economy and management student at uni, but somewhy I have to deal with programming. We got a task that looks like this: There's a 5x5 sized field where there are 8-8 disks for both …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I have a quick question. I am making a database as a personal project (I am using Microsoft SQL Server therefore I am using its SQL syntax). All it does is that it keeps track of singing groups and bands, the members in these groups, albums they made, songs …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for GiorgosMaragkop

I am currently building a LSTM model to predict only the daily Open price of a stock. Is there a difference in the prediction of the Opening price if I include other parallel series (High, Low, Close, technical indicators etc) using a Multiple Parallel Series Model compared to using a …

Programming python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Teyhah

*someone can help me to answer this question. Create an array that can hold ten integers, and fill each slot with a different random value from 1-50. Display those values on the screen, and then prompt the user for an integer. Search through the array, and if the item is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for VIRTUAL_2

[org 0x0100] num: db 0 factorial: dw 1 VUID: db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 mov bx,0 jmp start fact: mov ax, byte[num] fact_loop: mul word[factorial] sub ax,1 cmp ax,0 jg fact_loop ret start: mov bx,0 mov cx,[VUID+bx] add bx,1 shr cx,1 jc start mov [num],cx call fact mov ax, 0x4c00 int 0x21

Programming assembly
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Detsibli

I am a student learning, I was tasked with the following; > Create a class called AddressBook. Create the address book with a dynamic array and when the object is created, the programmer should specify the maximum number of items in the addressbook. (e.g.) AddressBook myAddressBook(20); It should contain a …

Member Avatar for Felipe_4

How are you? Greetings to all of you. I have a task and that is to find the complexity of the counting algorithm sort line by line to finally find the T(n). The truth is that it has been quite a complicated subject for me, but I have been working …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for zdreggs

Hello, I am trying to understand how to use C-style strings in C++. My goal is to store a C-style strings into a string type array. If I pass "This is a test" into word_token, it displays: This Is A test So from here I believe my setup is almost …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Azhan14

I have a problem that regarding with my projects. I need to create a bleuprint of an urban planning and I manage to print all the buildings that are required usning array. My problem right now is how I am going to print the roads. (<>^v, 1, -1, Road (-1 …

Programming java
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Eugene_15

hi guys, i have a (searchresult.php) in the (index.php), which I trying use ajax post from (searchresult.php) to pass and ID back to (index.php), however my <?php echo $_POST["dataid"]; ?> keep showing empty result, I also check my console log it show result send through but why my <?php echo …

Member Avatar for grant.baker
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm getting ` Session: Error while trying to free lock for ci_session` show up in the error log a couple times a minute, sometimes, and every 15 minutes other times. Using Redis for sessions. It's not happening on a different server that has almost the same code base and is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Kathy B

I need help on a new problem. On my women’s golf club web site I have a Members Directory page which consists of a table, 5 columns in width, and enough 2 rows sets to hold the members photo in the odd numbered rows with the members name in the …

Member Avatar for Gieroja
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

Hi, I hv vb.net applivcation. I have following CODE1 to save data & to prevent duplicate data entry into table. The following code I put in button save event. However I want to put this CODE2 in perticluar textbox e.g. here SpecimenNoTextBox. so that when the user enter duplicate SpecimenNo.it …

Member Avatar for kamal_22
Member Avatar for trippinz

What happens is when the dialog comes up, if I press cancel it opens "c:\\text.txt" How do i make it so that if i press cancel the program reads nothing (it reads "c:\\text.txt" right now) SaveFileDialog [code] private void button38_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string l_text; string l_filename = "c:\\text.txt"; …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for RudolfRyan

I have this small monitoring system which monitors customers on daily, weekly, and monthly payments. How do i sum all the numeric values in the "type of payment column"? How do i delete the current record selected by the user? IE, i select a name, then hit delete, deletes all …

Member Avatar for puppynp
Member Avatar for glez_b

I interpolated temperature data observed on an urban area formed by 12 locations. Now i would like to remove all interpolated values that are outside the shapefile layer. How can i do it? The shapefile links: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0u76k3yegvr09sx/LimiteAMG.shp?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxsmm3v2ey3ngsp/LimiteAMG.cpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/yx05n31dfkggbb6/LimiteAMG.dbf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6nk0xczgjeen2d/LimiteAMG.prj?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/royw7s51n2f0a6x/LimiteAMG.qpj?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7k44dcl1k5891qc/LimiteAMG.shx?dl=0 The Data is: Lat Lon T 0 20.8208 …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jeyaa

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'TextBox1.Text = Token() If Button1.Enabled = True Then Label1.Text = Label1.Text + " A1 " If Button1.BackColor = Color.Yellow Then Button1.BackColor = Color.Red Else Button1.BackColor = Color.Yellow End If Else Label2.Text = "" Label2.Text = True End …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Nick_31

Hello, I am stuck on how to exactly do this problem if anyone could offer me any help with either a worked out solution or just some pseudocode that would be great. Here are the rules and information about the assignment below. Assignment: What is The Game of life? Not …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for ImmutableIcarus

Thank you in advance for anyone who is willing to help me. Can someone give me the answers and briefly explain what you did? I have been stuck and frustrated with these questions for about a week now, so I'm asking for help. There are two questions that I need …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for johnalexa

Hi, I am John and pursuing graduate, my question is why Java or oops language does not use multiple inheritance? This is nightmare for me. My exam is coming soon. Please provide me a good answer

Member Avatar for Deep986
Member Avatar for B00P

Howdy! I am in a beginners Python class and our current assignment is creating a Tic-Tac-Toe board that can determine a WIN state and that can have a "random play" in which the computer actively tries to beat you. However, I'm unsure of how to do this, as I haven't …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ImmutableIcarus

I'm still stuck on this one question, can someone help me with this? 4.) Write a program that asks the user to type positive integers. When the user types a negative value the program writes ERROR and asks for another value. When the user types -1 that means that the …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mr. Lemic

#include<stdio.h> int main(void) { char a; a="?"; } Error i'm recieving: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast a="?";

Member Avatar for SwamiPete

The End.