i just signup to ask you to show me the basic and advance script for creating a online game startup bot

Need a bit more info. Do you want to start the game from the server?

i just signup to ask you to show me the basic and advance script for creating a online game startup bot

though i personally dont know how to do this, you are going to need to give alot more info.

like what game is it, how do you connect to the servers, what does the bot do, how does the bot connect...etc

Where can i get bot for Silkroad ?

Where can i get bot for Silkroad ?

This is a Comp Sci forum - not Bots-R-Us. Look for your cheating software elsewhere please.

i just signup to ask you to show me the basic and advance script for creating a online game startup bot

Does the game already come with bots? If so, read the bot scripts provided in the game documentation/files and provide specific questions based on your knowledge of the engine you're trying to mod for.

If not, the game might not support bots without you gaining access the the game engine's source.

Please provide information on what game/engine/type of bot you're trying to make.

this thread is over two years old, please allow it to rest in peace.

This thread with its controversial title has stopped being of any use to anyone. Closed.

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