which is the best programming language between java and .net.

both are good , i think it depend on your requirement .

Both languages are having their good and bad..

JAVA would be slower than .NET since there is a middle man (JRE). In other hand, JAVA comes for FREE..

If you can tell me what exactly you are going to do, I will be able to give a more specific answer..

according to future requirement.

which is the best programming language between java and .net.

.NET isn't a language, it's a framework. You probably mean Java and C# as they're very similar in terms of syntax, but it's still impossible to compare languages without a very specific context and well defined points of comparison. Just asking which is better will get you nothing but subjective answers.

JAVA would be slower than .NET since there is a middle man (JRE). In other hand, JAVA comes for FREE..

Both points are incorrect. Java supports JIT compilation just like .NET languages, and the slowness argument stopped being valid around the turn of the millennium when Java started to really mature. Also note that .NET's CLR roughly corresponds to the JRE in terms of being a "middle man".

Like Java, .NET as a development platform including a compiler can be downloaded for free, and you can even get Visual Studio, one of the better IDEs on the market, in one of the free Express versions.

Java is slower than .NET in many circumstances because .NET has structs.

More importantly, C# is a better programming language than Java, that's pretty much indisputable.

Quote ...

which is the best programming language between java and .net.

.NET isn't a language, it's a framework. You probably mean Java and C# as they're very similar in terms of syntax, but it's still impossible to compare languages without a very specific context and well defined points of comparison. Just asking which is better will get you nothing but subjective answers.

Quote ...

JAVA would be slower than .NET since there is a middle man (JRE). In other hand, JAVA comes for FREE..

Both points are incorrect. Java supports JIT compilation just like .NET languages, and the slowness argument stopped being valid around the turn of the millennium when Java started to really mature. Also note that .NET's CLR roughly corresponds to the JRE in terms of being a "middle man".

Like Java, .NET as a development platform including a compiler can be downloaded for free, and you can even get Visual Studio, one of the better IDEs on the market, in one of the free Express versions.

Completely agree with all that you said. Infact, I was about to say the same.

Also , just to add a small point, architecture of .NET is very much similar (rather picked up ;) to Java's architecture. The only difference being in the number of compilers. Java compiles only .java source files , where as in .NET , AFAIK, you can code in around 56 different languages

where as in .NET , AFAIK, you can code in around 56 different languages

But let's be realistic. Despite the flexibility of the CLI, how often do you see common production use of anything other than the two heavy hitters: C# and VB.NET?

But let's be realistic. Despite the flexibility of the CLI, how often do you see common production use of anything other than the two heavy hitters: C# and VB.NET?

Exactly. Totally agree with you. I am not saying that .NET is better than Java just because it supports 56 languages. In fact, what I want to convey is that it doesn't really make much of a difference.

Java compiles only .java source files

This is completely wrong.

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