hi, i just started a class called Compiler Principles, and i'm not really sure how to search for online notes about it. my searches usually give me pages with Compiler Construction or Assembly Language. the book i'm using is a pdf i accidentally downloaded months ago when i was looking for Assembly Language books, now i'm looking for more materials or forum on Compiler Principles but cant really find any. And if daniweb has anything about Compiler Principles i can't find it. Please can you direct me to the correct forum( if any). thanks! If this post is in the wrong place...i'm sorry about that.

Please if you don't understand what i'm saying, tell me so i can clearify it abit more.

>>i just started a class called Compiler Principles
didn't your school require a book for that class? Or is this for some additional research your instructor requires? I have not looked but I would think there are some compiler design books at www.amazon.com.

>>i accidentally downloaded months ago
how can you accidentally download a book :rolleyes:

Hello, I have "Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools" if you wish I can send it to you, just send me PM. Good luck.


>>i just started a class called Compiler Principles
didn't your school require a book for that class? Or is this for some additional research your instructor requires? I have not looked but I would think there are some compiler design books at www.amazon.com.

>>i accidentally downloaded months ago
how can you accidentally download a book :rolleyes:

yea my class has a book requirement but unfortunately i am studying in a chinese university in china(dont ask why). and the book is of course in chinese. and since chinese isnt my 1st language(though i studied it for a year) i spend too much time checking the dictionary for a word's multiple meanings, so i always have to look for a cheap/free alternative.

and by "accidentally" i mean in my online hunt for free pdfs i got frustrated after spending days looking for books and i downloaded anything that had the name "compiler" in it.

I need to ask: why are you in a chinese university if you don't know chinese?

Yes, let's lecture him on his daring choice of university while we twiddled our thumbs in our native-language universities.

I need to ask: why are you in a chinese university if you don't know chinese?

lol...i Do know chinese. i've being here for 4 years now, one year dedicated to studying JUST chinese and the other 3 in a normal university studying computer science(in chinese) and simultaneously taking chinese language classes, i'm currently in my 3rd year and will be graduating in june/july 2008 (i'll stay around for the olympics). when it comes to studying, it's better to have books in the language you know best and that for me is English.

yea maybe i have to study harder than the chinese students and have less free time on my hand, there are still many perks to it. 1) i can skip class for a few weeks and when i go back to class all i have to say is "i had passport or embassy issues(works only twice per teacher) 2) i dont need to give in my homework until the end of the semester. 3) the teachers arent as strict in marking your exam as they are for the chinese students (except if you go to the chinese version of harvard, there they are more strict on foreign students than on the chinese). there are other small good things about studying in chinese that i cant thing of right now.
all in all..studying in english is way better tho, but when life gives you lemons, suck on them!

Hello, I have "Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools" if you wish I can send it to you, just send me PM. Good luck.


hallo dear friend I am a student taking the couse principles of compiler design from ethiopia would you please send me the book you have. or you just tell me the url where I can fetch it ,
I thank you in advance

He has already sent the book to someone else. This is print book, not a an e-book, so the URL would be amazon.com basically.

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