Hey, I'm looking at developing an HTML-based game and have never done any HTML coding or game design. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what program I should use or what I should start researching and learning about (any books I should read?)

Well you can't code a game in HTML since HTML isn't a programming language. You might be thinking of PHP or Javascript both of which there are hundreds if not thousands of tutorials online.

omg i'm just going on information my friend told me (he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, then) thanks

You can create a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type of game with multiple web pages that all link to each other somehow. Also, I'm sure there's some tricky stuff you can do with image maps.

You can create a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type of game with multiple web pages that all link to each other somehow. Also, I'm sure there's some tricky stuff you can do with image maps.

That actually sounds like a cool idea.... I wouldn't have ever thought of something like that...

Like Shawn says you could use Javascript which is available to most modern web browsers. There are probably lots of examples of Javascript games. Javascript could be used to manipulate your HTML document. For example, hiding or showing certain page elements depending on the games state.

Like Shawn says you could use Javascript which is available to most modern web browsers. There are probably lots of examples of Javascript games. Javascript could be used to manipulate your HTML document. For example, hiding or showing certain page elements depending on the games state.

Thanks for your help! XD

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