Hello, guys!

I have the following code:


struct list_word
  char word[64];
  struct list_word * next;

typedef struct list_word itemWord;

int main()
  itemWord * curr, * head;

  fill list with words
  [B]remove duplicates[/B]
  show final list of words


So I experience difficulties when implementing the removing duplicates part. What I tried to do is: get (each) word from list, strcmpit to next words, remove if duplicate found. Here is my solution:

curr = head;
      curr = curr->next;
            printf("duplicate"); {here should come the remove node function}
          curr = curr->next;

But something is wrong. It compiles without errors, but doesn't say anything about duplicates, even though I know there are. Thanks in advance!

you need to keep two different pointers for curr because you have two different loops. Try this:

curr1 = head;
      curr2 = curr1->next;
            printf("duplicate"); {here should come the remove node function}
          curr2 = curr2->next;
        cur1 = cur1->next;

Old Thread, but what the heck..

I believe the Remove() function will need a pointer to the node preceding your target.
Kindly design the loops keeping that in mind.


commented: I believe you are a little too late -3
itemWord* findDup(itemWord* head, itemWord* item)
    for (itemWord* curr = head; curr != 0; curr = curr->next)
        if (curr != item && strcmp(item->word, curr->word) == 0)
            return curr;
    return 0;
void removeDup(itemWord** head, itemWord* item)
    itemWord* prev = 0;
    for (itemWord* curr = *head; curr != 0; curr = curr->next)
        if (item == curr)
            if (prev == 0)
                head = &(curr->next);
                prev->next = curr->next;
        prev = curr;
int main(void)
    itemWord *curr = 0, *head = 0;
    int done = 0;
    /* This will get rid of ALL duplicates, even if there are muliples.
     * An optimization may be to avoid rescanning the list. That said,
     * I haven't run this code, so it may need some tweaking! :-)
    while (!done)
        int gotone = 0;
        for (curr = head; curr != 0; curr = curr->next)
            itemWord* found = findDup(head, curr);
            if (found)
                removeDup(&head, curr);
                gotone = 1;
        done = !gotone
    return 0;
commented: Doesn't anyone look at posting dates anymore???? It's a freaking 4-year old thread! -3

I see I didn't look at the date - I must have hit the "end" option instead of "next" on the main page... Oh well, stuff sometimes happens!

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