Please can anyone tell me in few words What is wrong with the following class definition? whait's missing, etc.

Class Numeric
long x;
void set (long n) const { x = n; }
long get () { return x; } const

Public is missing a colon, and get() method should look like this: long get () const { return x; } Why do you need set method to be const anyway?

I'm not a C++ programmer. I'm a student and I got this question for home assignement and we just started to learn C++ and I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Thanks.

I would appreciate if you or anyone else would have a good will and explain me several more questions. We actually don't need to write programs just to explain some things in c++ (classes)
this question for example

6. Suppose class X includes a data elements common declared as public. How can it be
accessed by all functions in the same name space ?

and these first 2 ones ..

1. Consider the following declarations
bool func1 (double, double&, double&);
bool func2 (double, double*, double*);
double x = 9.7, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
bool res;
Call each function with arguments x, y, and z. The return value shall be assigned to the
variable res.

2. Please write and test a function strReverse() that reverses the order of characters in a given
string. The string is passed to the function as a read-only reference. The function returns a
read-only reference to the result.

I will need to present so all help would be appreciated.

I'll tell you how to get the strReverse() done. Since this is a home assignment I'll only tell you how you could do it.

First of all you need to decide whether you want to do it the string or char * (C-string) way.

If I was to do this in C-string way (the way I usually do it personally) I'd first get the text length. Next I'd make a loop that puts all characters backwards to a newly allocated char *, for example: for(int i=length;0<=i<=length;i--){ /*your code*/ } If this works then you almost have it done actually.
Of course you could find the solution easily on the web, but this isn't the way it should be done, is it?

Hope this helps.

OK. I'll try to solve this. If anyone else can help me it would be great. But, can you explains me this under 6. 6. Suppose class X includes a data elements common declared as public. How can it be
accessed by all functions in the same name space ?

and you have forgot the ':' after the 'public' :)

in your first post, you need to end the class with a ; after the closing brace

class name {

you would access it by creating an instance of the class in a declaration,

class clName{
		char* publicMember;

for example.

Now, you want to set the value "hello!" to the char* publicMember.
How would you do that if you had declared char* publicMember in the scope you were working in? It works the same, you just have to identify that publicMember is a "member" of a class. This is not a static variable, so first you need an object, declared as an instance of your class...

clName objectName;

access members of the object's class using a period after the object name.

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