can anyone pls help me to complete this questions?? i'm new in programming , n i'm not very sure how to even start to do this help needed urgently..preferably the program can be done in Java or C ++...
thank u

No1. Develop a program to simulate a computer using a Round-Robin scheduling algorithm with a time slice of 10 milliseconds and with a ready queue but no device queue. Assume that each process has a random service time of 1 to 9 seconds. Accept processes over a 20 seconds period but continue the simulation until all processes are complete.

No.2 Develop a program to simulate a computer using a preemptive Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm with a ready queue but no device queue. Assume that each process has a random service time of 1 to 9 seconds. Accept processes over a 20 seconds period but continue the simulation until all processes are complete.

No.3 One solution to the problem of avoiding indefinite post ponement of processes is aging, in which the priorities of waiting processes increase the longer they wait. Develop 2 aging algorithms and write simulation programs to examine their relative performance.


You must be in the most difficult beginning programming class imagineable.

I would drop that class asap. This looks like an advanced programming class and my guess is that you have very little basic programming under your belt.



or he made it past the introductory courses using the same tactics (let others do the work for him and cheat on any written tests) and now thinks he's a programmer.

Do your own homework kid, and as said if it's way above your head you've clearly chosen the wrong courses.

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