I'm working on a project and i'm having a bit of trouble.
the basic idea is to make an employee database using a basic structure. the program is to have 3 files and in the header file the professor wants the function prototype to be:

int addEmployee (struct employee *, int);

I've got the employee structure set up and the integer is just the current # of employee's so no problem there. My only real issue comes from the first parameter. We're supposed to have an array that stores every employee that is created, but i dont know how to create/'name' new employee's on the fly.

So my real question I guess is how do i set up my function call and definition?

Any help would be appreciated.

We're supposed to have an array that stores every employee that is created, but i dont know how to create/'name' new employee's on the fly.

Does scanf on each index on the array doesn't solve your problem?

So my real question I guess is how do i set up my function call and definition?

Since I don't know what your structure looks like I'll make this example

struct x
      int a;
      int b;

      struct x z;
      z.a = 5;

      printf("The first member is %d \n", z.a);   

could you post your code for more details?

Heres a more relevant example to your structure

struct emp{             //example structure
     char name[20];

 void add(struct emp *employee,int n){
    int i;

          printf("Enter employee %i",i);	//my example on receiving input
          printf("\nEnter name:");
   int num = 5;			//defined number of employees
   struct emp employee[1000];	
   add(employee, num);         

My problem was i was trying to store the structures in a separate array instead of the structure itself creating the array. Thank you so much!

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