Hi every1!
Thats my code that used to work before I've added some attributes to my items.

void manager::EditStockItem()
			string z;
			bool found;

			cout<< endl<<"<===================================================>"<<endl<<endl;
			cout << "Enter ID of the Stock Item you want to edit" << endl<<endl;

			found = false;
	          vector <Item*>::iterator iter = theStock.begin();
	          for(iter = theStock.begin();iter != theStock.end();++iter)
					if (z == ((*iter)->getStockID()))
						 found = true;

					char choice;
					bool valid = false;
							cout << " Edit details of "<<z<<endl;
							cout << "		1. To edit ID\n";
							cout << "		2. To edit Title\n";
							cout << "		3. To edit Publisher\n";
							cout << "		4. To edit Price\n";
							cout << "		5. To Cancel\n";
							cin >> choice;
							if(choice == '5') 

							else if(choice < '1' || choice > '4')
									cout << "\nNot a valid char!\n\n";
									char aChar;
									cout << endl << "Enter any character to continue .. " << endl;	
									cin >> aChar;
								    valid = true;
					  cout << "\n";
						  char aChar;
						  case '1':
								cout << "Enter new ID" << endl;
								string newStockID;
							cout << endl << "Enter any character to continue .. " << endl;	
							cin >> aChar;
					      case '2':
								cout << "Enter new Title: " << endl;
								string newTitle;
								(*iter)-> setTitle(newTitle);
					       cout << endl << "Enter any character to continue .. " << endl;
					       cin >> aChar;
				         case '3':
								 cout << "Enter new Publisher: " << endl;
								 string newPublisher;
								(*iter)-> setPublisher(newPublisher);
							cout << endl << "Enter any character to continue .. " << endl;
							cin >> aChar;
						case '4':
								cout << "Enter new Price" << endl;
								string newPrice;
							cout << endl << "Enter any character to continue .. " << endl;	
							cin >> aChar;
					cout << "\n";
				cout << "Not found" << endl;

Heres the Stock vector

void manager::BuildStockVector()
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK010","978-0-307-47427-8","A Tale of Two Cities","Penguin Classics","General","345","12"));
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK020","325-0-412-45527-4","The Da Vinci Code","Random House","General","237","14.25"));
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK011","978-0-307-47427-3","Copy of the book 'A Tale of Two Cities'","Penguin Classics","General","340","12"));	
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN010","0811-8203","Desire Journal","8","01.04.2012","History","Chronicle Books","144","10.75"));	
	theStock.push_back(new Video("SVD010","The Squid and the Whale","Drama","1:45:22","AVI","Keep Case","Sony Pictures Home Entertainment","20"));		
	theStock.push_back(new Video("SVD020","High Fidelity","Dogstar Films","Comedy","1:37:44","DVD","Keep Case","17.50"));	
	theStock.push_back(new MusicCD("SCD010","Chris Rea","The Best Of Chris Rea","0:45:22","Tyvek Sleeve","CD","16","East/West Records","6.50"));	
	theStock.push_back(new MusicCD("SCD020","Smokie","The Best Of Smokie","0:48:12","Paper Sleeve","CD-R","17","Paradiso","4.75"));	
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN010","0811-8204","Copy of 'Desire Journal'","8","01.04.2012","History","Chronicle Books","144","10.75"));
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK021","325-0-412-45527-2","Copy of the book 'The Da Vinci Code'","Random House","General","235","14.25"));
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN020","0577-2173","CSC Journal","3","01.08.2011","IT","CSC Journals","87","4.25"));
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN021","0577-2175","Copy of the 'CSC Journal'","3","01.08.2011","IT","CSC Journals","87","4.25"));

It's askin to enter ID of the item to edit but when I do so it returns NOT FOUND...I'm newbie to C++ so not sure if I have to upload any other files for a full picture...

Oh another thing .. The classes are (controller/Stock/Item/Publication/Books) ( controller/Stock/Item/Publication/Journals) ( controller/Stock/Item/av/Video) and ( controller/Stock/Item/av/MusicCD)

Run time debugging is a big part of creating a successful program. Either use your debugger to step through the program with known input or enter debugging code, something like the following often works pretty well, and see if you can track down the problem.

On line 16 of EditStockItem() output the value of z and (*iter)->getStockID() and then pause the program (with this code or something similar: char trash; cin >> trash; ). Review the results of the output. Are z and (*iter)->getStockID() ever the same, or not, as you cycle through the loop?

As far as I understand getStockID() is not working..

I assume outputting z went okay, but you got junk for the (*iter)->getStockID() stuff. If so there other possible problems besides something wrong with getStockID():

--the syntax you're using to call getStockID() isn't working
--the process to enter information into the vector isn't working so the contents of the vector aren't what you think they are

Who knows what it is at this point. But we do know it's probably not what/where you thought it was in the first place. It was the obvious first place to look, but it didn't pan out. So, I'd go back earlier in the program, try to add a single item to the vector and then try to output the information, including at least a call to getStockID(). That should help you take the next step to figuring out where the problem is.

You're right Z is fine but (*iter)->getStockID() displays nothing...absolutely nothing..I'm thinking about earlier stage and ....Be4 classes were controller/stock/item/book and it was working fine.. But later I've added another class so now I have like controller/stock/item/publication/book, but I still can't imagine where the problem might be...

I can add stock and display it back no problem

How do you display the contents of the vector of stock when you display it successfully, and where are you checking the display?

Post the header file for the manager class, please.

I use getAllDetails() to display The Stock and if I add new item befor this function I can see that in a list..here's the code

#pragma once
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
class manager
	string CurrentUserID;
	vector <customer*> theCus;
	vector <Item*> theStock;
	void BuildCustomerVector();
	void BuildStockVector();
	void BuildAdminVector();
    void Login();
	void aLogin();
	void uLogin();
	void AddUser();
	void AddAdmin();
	void AddCustomer();
	void ListUsers();
	void EditUser();
	void ListStock();
	void ChangePass();
	void AddStock();
	void AddBook();
	void AddJournal();
	void AddVideo();
	void AddMusicCD();
	void EditStockItem();
	void HireInfo();

	void ShowUserMenu();
	void ShowAdminMenu();


Ok. I don't see getAllDetails() in code posted so far. theStock is listed as a private member variable of the manager class. How does getAllDetails() get access to theStock?

Please post header file for the Item class, too, so getStockID() declaration can be viewed.

Just like you included the vector header file for the manager class to use, you will need to include the header files for STL string class, the Item class and the customer class for the mangager class to use in the header file. I don't seen those headers included in the mangager class. That may be the easiest thing to check out.

This simple function returns all details apart from ID ....

void manager::ListStock() 
	cout << endl << "Stock Items" << endl << "<=====================>" << endl;	
	vector <Item*>::iterator iter = theStock.begin();
	for(iter = theStock.begin();iter != theStock.end();++iter)
		cout<<(*iter)->getStockID() << endl;
		cout << endl << "==================" << endl;
	cout << endl << "End of List" << endl;

So if you call ListStock() and it correctly prints out all the attributes except the ID of the Item pointers in theStock, then please post the Item class header file and the implementation of getStockID().

Just to remind it goes :manager/Stock(abstract)/Item/publication/book .
There's nothin in Stock.cpp and I'm not sure if I need this at all..But it's there and it works.

This is header file for book.cpp

#pragma once
#include "publication.h"

class Book:
	public publication
	Book(string SID, string ISBN, string Title, string Publisher, string SubjectArea, string NumberPages,string Price);
	void getAllDetails();

This is header file for Item.cpp

#pragma once
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Item:
	public stock
	string StockID;
	string ISBN;
	string ISSN;
	string Title;
	string IssueNo;
	string IssueDate;
	string Publisher;
	string SubjectArea;
	string NumberPages;
	string RunningTime;
	string StorageCase;
	string CDType;
	string TrackNo;
	string Artist;
	string Format;
	string Genre;
	string Price;
	Item(string StockID, string Title, string Publisher, string Price, string SubjectArea, string NumberPages, string ISBN, string ISSN,string IssueNo,string IssueDate,string RunningTime,string StorageCase,string CDType, string TracNo,string Artist,string Format, string Genre);
	string getStockID();
	string getPrice();
	string getTitle();
	string getPublisher();
	string getNP();
	string getSA();
	string getISBN();
	string getISSN();
	string getIssueNo();
	string getIssueDate();
	string getRunningTime();
	string getStorageCase();
	string getCDType();
	string getTrackNo();
	string getArtist();
	string getFormat();
	string getGenre();

	void setStockID(string newStockID);
	void setTitle(string newTitle);
	void setPublisher(string newPublisher);
	void setPrice(string newPrice);
	void setISBN(string newISBN);
	void setISSN(string newISSN);
	void setIssueNo(string newIssueNo);
	void setIssueDate(string newIssueDate);
	void setNumberPages(string newNumberPages);
	void setSubjectArea(string newSubjectArea);
	void setRunningTime(string newRu8nningTime);
	void setStorageCase(string newStorageCase);
	void setCDType(string newCDType);
	void setTrackNo(string newTrackNo);
	void setArtist(string newArtist);
	void setFormat(string newFormat);
	void setGenre(string newGenre);
	virtual void getAllDetails();

This is Item.cpp with getStockID() in it:

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Item.h"


Item::Item(string newStockID, string newTitle, string newPublisher, string newPrice, string newSubjectArea, string newNumberPages, string newISBN,string newISSN,string newIssueNo, string newIssueDate, string newRunningTime,string newStorageCase,string newCDType,string newTrackNo,string newArtist,string newFormat, string newGenre)
	SubjectArea = newSubjectArea;
	NumberPages = newNumberPages;
	ISBN = newISBN;
	IssueDate = newIssueDate;
	IssueNo = newIssueNo;
	RunningTime = newRunningTime;
	StorageCase = newStorageCase;
	CDType = newCDType;
	TrackNo = newTrackNo;
	Artist = newArtist;
	Format = newFormat;
	Genre = newGenre;


string Item::getStockID()
	return StockID;
string Item::getPrice()
	return Price;
string Item::getTitle()
	return Title;
string Item::getPublisher()
	return Publisher;
string Item::getNP()
	return NumberPages;
string Item::getSA()
	return SubjectArea;
string Item::getISBN()
	return ISBN;
string Item::getISSN()
	return ISSN;
string Item::getIssueDate()
	return IssueDate;
string Item::getIssueNo()
	return IssueNo;
string Item::getRunningTime()
	return RunningTime;
string Item::getStorageCase()
	return StorageCase;
string Item::getCDType()
	return CDType;
string Item::getTrackNo()
	return TrackNo;
string Item::getArtist()
	return Artist;
string Item::getFormat()
	return Format;
string Item::getGenre()
	return Genre;

void Item::setStockID(string newStockID)
	StockID = newStockID;
void Item::setTitle(string newTitle)
Title = newTitle;
void Item::setPublisher(string newPublisher)
Publisher = newPublisher;
void Item::setPrice(string newPrice)
Price = newPrice;
void Item::setSubjectArea(string newSubjectArea)
SubjectArea = newSubjectArea;
void Item::setNumberPages(string newNumberPages)
NumberPages = newNumberPages;
void Item::setISBN(string newISBN)
void Item::setISSN(string newISSN)
void Item::setIssueDate(string newIssueDate)
void Item::setIssueNo(string newIssueNo)
void Item::setRunningTime(string newRunningTime)
RunningTime = newRunningTime;
void Item::setStorageCase(string newStorageCase)
StorageCase = newStorageCase;
void Item::setCDType(string newCDType)
CDType = newCDType;
void Item::setTrackNo(string newTrackNo)
TrackNo = newTrackNo;
void Item::setFormat(string newFormat)
Format = newFormat;
void Item::setArtist(string newArtist)
Artist = newArtist;
void Item::setGenre(string newGenre)
Genre = newGenre;

void Item::getAllDetails()


To be honest I'd send everything after a whole day of useless trying..

Welcome to the world of runtime debugging. It can be long and tedious.

Does the non default Book constructor assign SID to StockID? Posting the entire definition of that constructor wouldn't hurt.

Please post the call you used to getAllDetails() and the version of getAllDetails() used (it's declared as virtual defined as void in class Item, so I assume it has a different definition in class Publication and class Book).

Right..Here's what I'll do (because my brain is stalled and I've already made some modifications trying to solve it )... I'll upload most of it so it is easier to trace the process..Here goes...

Manager.cpp(NOT the whole code just one of the functions that is "malfunctioning")

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "manager.h"
manager::manager(void)       //Constructor
}void manager::ListStock() 
	cout << endl << "Stock Items" << endl << "<=====================>" << endl;	
	vector <Item*>::iterator iter = theStock.begin();
	for(iter = theStock.begin();iter != theStock.end();++iter)
		cout<<(*iter)->getStockID() << endl;
		cout << endl << "==================" << endl;
	cout << endl << "End of List" << endl;


#pragma once
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
class manager
	string CurrentUserID;
	vector <customer*> theCus;
	vector <Item*> theStock;
	void BuildCustomerVector();
	void BuildStockVector();
	void BuildAdminVector();
    void Login();
	void aLogin();
	void uLogin();
	void AddUser();
	void AddAdmin();
	void AddCustomer();
	void ListUsers();
	void EditUser();
	void ListStock();
	void ChangePass();
	void AddStock();
	void AddBook();
	void AddJournal();
	void AddVideo();
	void AddMusicCD();
	void EditStockItem();
	void HireInfo();

	void ShowUserMenu();
	void ShowAdminMenu();



#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "stock.h"




#pragma once

class stock


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Item.h"


Item::Item(string newStockID, string newTitle, string newPublisher, string newPrice, string newSubjectArea, string newNumberPages, string newISBN,string newISSN,string newIssueNo, string newIssueDate, string newRunningTime,string newStorageCase,string newCDType,string newTrackNo,string newArtist,string newFormat, string newGenre)
	SubjectArea = newSubjectArea;
	NumberPages = newNumberPages;
	ISBN = newISBN;
	IssueDate = newIssueDate;
	IssueNo = newIssueNo;
	RunningTime = newRunningTime;
	StorageCase = newStorageCase;
	CDType = newCDType;
	TrackNo = newTrackNo;
	Artist = newArtist;
	Format = newFormat;
	Genre = newGenre;


string Item::getStockID()
	return StockID;
string Item::getPrice()
	return Price;
string Item::getTitle()
	return Title;
string Item::getPublisher()
	return Publisher;
string Item::getNP()
	return NumberPages;
string Item::getSA()
	return SubjectArea;
string Item::getISBN()
	return ISBN;
string Item::getISSN()
	return ISSN;
string Item::getIssueDate()
	return IssueDate;
string Item::getIssueNo()
	return IssueNo;
string Item::getRunningTime()
	return RunningTime;
string Item::getStorageCase()
	return StorageCase;
string Item::getCDType()
	return CDType;
string Item::getTrackNo()
	return TrackNo;
string Item::getArtist()
	return Artist;
string Item::getFormat()
	return Format;
string Item::getGenre()
	return Genre;

void Item::setStockID(string newStockID)
	StockID = newStockID;
void Item::setTitle(string newTitle)
Title = newTitle;
void Item::setPublisher(string newPublisher)
Publisher = newPublisher;
void Item::setPrice(string newPrice)
Price = newPrice;
void Item::setSubjectArea(string newSubjectArea)
SubjectArea = newSubjectArea;
void Item::setNumberPages(string newNumberPages)
NumberPages = newNumberPages;
void Item::setISBN(string newISBN)
void Item::setISSN(string newISSN)
void Item::setIssueDate(string newIssueDate)
void Item::setIssueNo(string newIssueNo)
void Item::setRunningTime(string newRunningTime)
RunningTime = newRunningTime;
void Item::setStorageCase(string newStorageCase)
StorageCase = newStorageCase;
void Item::setCDType(string newCDType)
CDType = newCDType;
void Item::setTrackNo(string newTrackNo)
TrackNo = newTrackNo;
void Item::setFormat(string newFormat)
Format = newFormat;
void Item::setArtist(string newArtist)
Artist = newArtist;
void Item::setGenre(string newGenre)
Genre = newGenre;

void Item::getAllDetails()



#pragma once
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Item:
	public stock
	string StockID;
	string ISBN;
	string ISSN;
	string Title;
	string IssueNo;
	string IssueDate;
	string Publisher;
	string SubjectArea;
	string NumberPages;
	string RunningTime;
	string StorageCase;
	string CDType;
	string TrackNo;
	string Artist;
	string Format;
	string Genre;
	string Price;
	Item(string StockID, string Title, string Publisher, string Price, string SubjectArea, string NumberPages, string ISBN, string ISSN,string IssueNo,string IssueDate,string RunningTime,string StorageCase,string CDType, string TracNo,string Artist,string Format, string Genre);
	string getStockID();
	string getPrice();
	string getTitle();
	string getPublisher();
	string getNP();
	string getSA();
	string getISBN();
	string getISSN();
	string getIssueNo();
	string getIssueDate();
	string getRunningTime();
	string getStorageCase();
	string getCDType();
	string getTrackNo();
	string getArtist();
	string getFormat();
	string getGenre();

	void setStockID(string newStockID);
	void setTitle(string newTitle);
	void setPublisher(string newPublisher);
	void setPrice(string newPrice);
	void setISBN(string newISBN);
	void setISSN(string newISSN);
	void setIssueNo(string newIssueNo);
	void setIssueDate(string newIssueDate);
	void setNumberPages(string newNumberPages);
	void setSubjectArea(string newSubjectArea);
	void setRunningTime(string newRu8nningTime);
	void setStorageCase(string newStorageCase);
	void setCDType(string newCDType);
	void setTrackNo(string newTrackNo);
	void setArtist(string newArtist);
	void setFormat(string newFormat);
	void setGenre(string newGenre);
	virtual void getAllDetails();


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "publication.h"

publication::publication(string stockid, string price, string title, string publisher,string SArea, string NPages,string isbn,string issn, string issueno, string issuedate)
StockID = stockid;
Price = price;
Title = title;
Publisher = publisher;
SubjectArea = SArea;
NumberPages = NPages;
ISBN =isbn;
ISSN = issn;
IssueDate = issuedate;
IssueNo = issueno;

string publication::getstockid()
	return stockid;


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "publication.h"

publication::publication(string stockid, string price, string title, string publisher,string SArea, string NPages,string isbn,string issn, string issueno, string issuedate)
StockID = stockid;
Price = price;
Title = title;
Publisher = publisher;
SubjectArea = SArea;
NumberPages = NPages;
ISBN =isbn;
ISSN = issn;
IssueDate = issuedate;
IssueNo = issueno;

string publication::getstockid()
	return stockid;


#pragma once
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "Item.h"

class publication:
	public Item
	string stockid;
	string title;
	string publisher;
	string SArea;
	string NPages;
	string isbn;
	string issn;
	string issuedate;
	string issueno;
	string price;

	publication(string stockid, string title, string publisher,string SArea, string NPages,string isbn,string issn, string issuedate,string issueno, string price);
	string getstockid();


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Book.h"

Book::Book(string StockID, string ISBN, string Title, string Publisher, string SubjectArea, string NumberPages,string Price)
	stockid = StockID;
	isbn = ISBN;
	title = Title;
	publisher = Publisher;
	SArea = SubjectArea;
	NPages = NumberPages;
	price = Price;
string Journal::getStockID()
	return StockID;
void Book::getAllDetails()
	cout <<"   Book " << endl;
	//cout <<" ID           : "<<stockid<<endl;
	cout <<" ISBN         : "<<isbn<<endl;
	cout <<" Title        : "<<title<<endl;
	cout <<" Publisher    : "<<publisher<<endl;
	cout <<" Subject area : " << SArea<<endl;
	cout <<" No of pages  : " <<NPages<<endl;
	cout <<" Price        : $"<<price<<endl;



#pragma once
#include "publication.h"

class Book:
	public publication
	string StockID;
	string Title;
	string Publisher;
	string SubjectArea;
	string NumberPages;
	string ISBN;
	string Price;
	Book(string StoskID, string ISBN, string Title, string Publisher, string SubjectArea, string NumberPages,string Price);
	void getAllDetails();
	string getStockID();

Oh sorry , and vector..

void manager::BuildStockVector()
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK010","978-0-307-47427-8","A Tale of Two Cities","Penguin Classics","General","345","12"));
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK020","325-0-412-45527-4","The Da Vinci Code","Random House","General","237","14.25"));
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK011","978-0-307-47427-3","Copy of the book 'A Tale of Two Cities'","Penguin Classics","General","340","12"));	
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN010","0811-8203","Desire Journal","8","01.04.2012","History","Chronicle Books","144","10.75"));	
	theStock.push_back(new Video("SVD010","The Squid and the Whale","Drama","1:45:22","AVI","Keep Case","Sony Pictures Home Entertainment","20"));		
	theStock.push_back(new Video("SVD020","High Fidelity","Comedy","1:37:44","DVD","Keep Case","Dogstar Films","17.50"));	
	theStock.push_back(new MusicCD("SCD010","Chris Rea","The Best Of Chris Rea","0:45:22","Tyvek Sleeve","CD","16","East/West Records","6.50"));	
	theStock.push_back(new MusicCD("SCD020","Smokie","The Best Of Smokie","0:48:12","Paper Sleeve","CD-R","17","Paradiso","4.75"));	
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN010","0811-8204","Copy of 'Desire Journal'","8","01.04.2012","History","Chronicle Books","144","10.75"));
	theStock.push_back(new Book("SBK021","325-0-412-45527-2","Copy of the book 'The Da Vinci Code'","Random House","General","235","14.25"));
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN020","0577-2173","CSC Journal","3","01.08.2011","IT","CSC Journals","87","4.25"));
	theStock.push_back(new Journal("SJN021","0577-2175","Copy of the 'CSC Journal'","3","01.08.2011","IT","CSC Journals","87","4.25"));

and here stdafx.h just incase

#pragma once

#include "targetver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#include "person.h"
#include "admin.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "customer.h"
#include "stock.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "publication.h"
#include "av.h"
#include "Book.h"
#include "Journal.h"
#include "Video.h"
#include "MusicCD.h"

This is going to get a bit long, so hopefully I don't trip over my own shoelaces.

Assumption: You are doing a copy/paste when you post your code.

C++ is case sensitive. So the variable StockID in class Item is different than the variable called stockid declared in class publication. Therefore publication class publication and class Book have both StockID and stockid. In Book the non default constructor assigns the first input string (inadviseable also called StringID) to stockid inherited from publication, not the class variable StockID inherited from Item.

The getStockID() function in class book returns StockID(), not stockid, but even that wouldn't matter because in manager::EditItem, you are using an Item pointer to call a non virtual function, meaning it will call the version of getStockID() in Item, not the version of getStockID() in class Book. Unfortunately since the Item default constructor doesn't give StockID a value and the non default constructor of Book also doesn't assign a value to StockID so StockID has no value when the Item version of getStockID() is called.

I recommend you remove all variable declarations from publication and Book that are inherited from Item and only declare any new variable attributes you want those classes to have. That means the Book non default constructor will assign the first string passed in(PLEASE call it somehting other than StockID) to the variable called StockID inherited from Item. And beware when calling methods from base class pointers, as the virtual functions will be of the class stored as a base pointer not the base class methods, but the non virtual functions will be the version in the base class not the derived class version(, and any method in the derived class not declared in the base class won't be available to be called through the base class pointer at all).

I've removed all repetitive attributes from publication and Book.. Now I'm getting errors error C2661: 'Book::Book' : no overloaded function takes 8 arguments. I've tried to make "few" more changes but.. no idea where to look for solution..

..and that's for each line containing book details in the vector. 4 errors in total.

error C2661: 'Book::Book' : no overloaded function takes 8 arguments

Often the compiler gives a line number that the error is associated with. Which line does it point to? The error reads like you are trying to call a Book constructor using 8 arguments, but the 4 calls to Book constructors I see all use 7 arguments. Without knowing which line to reference I'm not going to offer much more of a suggestion.

it points to each line in BuildStockVector function that contains book details..

Comment out lines in BuildStockVector having to do with class Book and declare a Book object usinig static memory in main(). Does the compiler complain about that?

When you build/compile the project do you rebuild all (recompile all) files or just part of them?

..I'm not sure I understand what you mean...Mind I'm a newbie.. :)

..Right..I got rid of those errors..But still can't get getStockID() working..

In the line :

cout<<(*iter)->getStockID() << endl;

All I did was :

cout<<"Stock ID is : "<<(*iter)->getStockID() << endl;

And it worked!!! No idea what was it, probably some bug...4 days cause of that bug!!! Argh..

Thanks every one !!

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