Hey everyone. I just finished a cross product calculator program for the fun of it trying to test stuff outside of my rage of knowledge. I tried a couple new things like strings and cin.fail() so if someone would read over it and tell me what I did right/wrong that would be awesome.

//  Cross Product Calculator
//  Created by Matthew Porter on 03/26/12.
//      Update Log: 03/28/12
//                  03/30/12
//                  04/01/12
//                  04/02/12
//  Copyright (c) 2012. All rights reserved.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <cctype> //for isdigit() & isalpha()?
#include <locale> //for isdigit() & isalpha()?

// Can't remember why I put cctype and locale. Anyone know an argument for/against
// which I should use?

using namespace std;

void header();
void user_input1(double&,double&,double&,double&,double&,double&);
void user_input2(string&,string&,string&,string&,string&,string&);
double ihat(double,double,double,double);
double jhat(double,double,double,double);
double khat(double,double,double,double);
void output(double,double,double,double,double,double);
void outputmitvar(double,double,double,double,double,double,string,string,string,string,string,string);
bool restart();
bool varquestion();
double check_value(string);

int main (){

    double q,w,e,a,s,d;
    string i1,j1,k1,i2,j2,k2;


    do {


        if (varquestion()==true){


            outputmitvar(q, w, e, a, s, d, i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2);

        else {

    } while (restart() == true);

    return 0;


void header(){

    cout << "***************************************" << endl
         << "**                                   **" << endl
         << "**  Cross Product Calculator (2012)  **" << endl
         << "**                                   **" << endl
         << "**     Created by Matthew Porter     **" << endl
         << "**                                   **" << endl
         << "***************************************" << endl << endl;

    cout << "***************************************" << endl
         << "**                                   **" << endl
         << "** NOTE:  FIRST INPUT SECTION IS FOR **" << endl 
         << "** COEFFICIENTS ONLY! VARIABLES ARE  **" << endl
         << "** ENTERED IN INPUT SECTION TWO!     **" << endl
         << "**                                   **" << endl
         << "***************************************" << endl;


void user_input1(double& q, double& w, double& e, double& a, double& s, double& d)

        cout << "\vInput Section 1 (Coeficients):" << endl;

        cout << "\v\tPlease enter your first set of values:" << endl;

                cout << "\t\ti << ";
                cin >> q;
                if (cin.fail()){
                    cout << "** Error! A valid value was not entered!" << endl;
                    cout << "** Please re-enter an appropriate value for i." << endl;
                else break;
            } while(cin.fail(),cin.clear(),cin.ignore(1000,'\n'));

                cout << "\t\tj << ";
                cin >> w;
                if (cin.fail()){
                    cout << "** Error! A valid value was not entered!" << endl;
                    cout << "** Please re-enter an appropriate value for j." << endl;
                else break;
            } while(cin.fail(),cin.clear(),cin.ignore(1000,'\n'));

                cout << "\t\tk << ";
                cin >> e;
                if (cin.fail()){
                    cout << "** Error! A valid value was not entered!" << endl;
                    cout << "** Please re-enter an appropriate value for k." << endl;
                else break;
            } while(cin.fail(),cin.clear(),cin.ignore(1000,'\n'));

        cout << "\v\tPlease enter your second set of values:" << endl;

                cout << "\t\ti << ";
                cin >> a;
                if (cin.fail()){
                    cout << "** Error! A valid value was not entered!" << endl;
                    cout << "** Please re-enter an appropriate value for i." << endl;
                else break;
            } while(cin.fail(),cin.clear(),cin.ignore(1000,'\n'));

                cout << "\t\tj << ";
                cin >> s;
                if (cin.fail()){
                    cout << "** Error! A valid value was not entered!" << endl;
                    cout << "** Please re-enter an appropriate value for j." << endl;
                else break;
            } while(cin.fail(),cin.clear(),cin.ignore(1000,'\n'));

                cout << "\t\tk << ";
                cin >> d;
                if (cin.fail()){
                    cout << "** Error! A valid value was not entered!" << endl;
                    cout << "** Please re-enter an appropriate value for k." << endl;
                else break;
            } while(cin.fail(),cin.clear(),cin.ignore(1000,'\n'));


void user_input2(string& i1, string& j1, string& k1, string& i2, string& j2, string& k2)

    cout << "\vInput Section 2 (Variables):" << endl
        << "Warning: If numbers are input, the correct values will not be calculated!!!" << endl;

    cout << "\v\tPlease enter your first set of variables:" << endl;
    cout << "\t\ti << ";
    cout << "\t\tj << ";
    cout << "\t\tk << ";

    cout << "\v\tPlease enter your second set of variables:" << endl;
    cout << "\t\ti << ";
    cout << "\t\tj << ";
    cout << "\t\tk << ";


void output(double q, double w, double e, double a, double s, double d){

    cout << "\vResult: " << "(" << ihat(w,d,e,s) << ")i - (" << jhat(q,d,e,a) << ")j + (" << khat(q,s,w,a) << ")k" << endl;


void outputmitvar(double q, double w, double e, double a, double s, double d, string i1, string j1, string k1, string i2, string j2, string k2){

    cout << "\vResult: "<< "(" << j1 << w << "*" << k2 << d << "-" << k1 << e << "*" << j2 << s << ")i - "
        << "(" << i1 << q << "*" << k2 << d << "-" << k1 << e << "*" << i2 << a << ")j + "
        << "(" << i1 << q << "*" << j2 << s << "-" << j1 << w << "*" << i2 << a << ")k" << endl;


double ihat(double u, double i, double o,double p){

    double temp = (u*i)-(o*p);


double jhat(double h, double j, double k, double l){

    double temp = (h*j)-(k*l);


double khat(double v, double b, double n, double m){

    double temp = (v*b)-(n*m);


bool restart(){

    char answer;

    cout << "\vWould you like to restart the program? (Y/N)" << endl;
    cout << "\t>> ";
    cin >> answer;

    answer = toupper(answer);

    if (answer=='Y'){
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

bool varquestion(){

    char answer;

    do {

        cout << "\v\tAre there variables to be entered? (Y/N)" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t>> ";
        cin >> answer;
        answer = toupper(answer);

        if (isdigit(answer)||ispunct(answer)){
            cout << "\v\tA valid character was not entered. Try again.";
        if ((answer==!'Y')||(answer==!'N')){
            cout << "\v\tA valid character was not entered. Try again.";

    } while(isdigit(answer)||!isalpha(answer));

    if (answer=='Y'){
        return true;
    else {
        return false;


if someone would read over it and tell me what I did right/wrong

is there a specific problem in your program? maybe an error message or it's not outputting what it suppose to

no. basically what i meant is to see if im using certain aspects of the code right since a lot of this i taught to myself and havent learned in class yet.

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